
ScienceOnline Bound, Baby!

Happy New Year!

Good day good people. I am SOOOOOOOO geeked and excited about the upcoming science blogging conference MLK weekend in Research Triangle, North Carolina. It's one of my favorite meetings: it's science, it's social media and it is definitely ALL fun. I live for this stuff! (LOL)

I'm also quite proud of the fact that I'll be attending this meeting as the NESCent Blog Travel Award Winner. (My Kanye West blog entry about the evolutionary significance of gold digging was the winning entry: How some females respond to nuptial gifts.)
I'll be lending a hand here and there and you can chime in and follow along at home.

Here's how.

1. Offer some really great input to my session. I'll be co-moderating a super-cool session on the how social media can be used for science outreach in ecology, marine biology, conservation, and other 'outdoorsy' science disciplines.
Technology and the Wilderness – co-moderated by Miriam Goldstein, Jason Robertshaw, Danielle Lee and Karen James
Technology offers unparalleled opportunity for outdoor education – yet it is viewed as a cause of “Nature Deficit Disorder.” But little glowy screens can be amazing educational tools. Potential directions include tools (for example: a citizen science iPhone app from Mote Marine Laboratory), networking (e.g., Outdoor Afro bringing people of color outdoors together), and exploration (e.g., following up on the Blogging From the Field/Trash Gyre sessions from past years, citizen science, teenagers blogging their discoveries).
Please feel free to add your input for this session in my comments, below.

2. Check out the full conference lineup and weigh in on other sessions, too. Afterall the goal of the conference is to make connections and improve how science is communicated to everyone, everywhere. Link to the full program.

You can also follow the conference online via: Ustream chatroom, Twitter, and FriendFeed. If appropriate, volunteers will convey good questions/comments from the virtual audience into the room.
Here are the links to follow along online at home:
On the blog:
on Twitter: @scio11 and hashtag #scio11 and Follow me, too @DNLee5 (I'll be tweeting all weekend)
You can also offer comments and follow my session at the hashtag #TechWild
on FriendFeed: scienceonline2011 and Follow me, too DNLee
on Facebook: Scienceonline2011 and I'll be posting on my Facebook Fan page, too
Live stream (and recorded): Scienceonline2011 Ustream  (Thanks to sponsorship by AAAS, Science, & Eureka Alert and National Association of Science Writers)
Science Online app for iPhone, it's free:
3. I'm also part of the band of misfits putting on the Open Mike Night. There'll be all kinds of carousing and nerdy-shenanigans for this event.

I hope you're able to participate in some way. It really is an open access feel. Sharing science with general audiences, like all of you is my passion and the passion of the most participants. Our goal is make science accessible and engaging for everyone. Please, help us do so by sharing your honest feedback with us.
Until later,
Stay warm and safe