Note: Comment moderation will be erratic and infrequent for a day or two, hence this rather uncontroversial post today.
There are a lot of examples in blogs of the stupid and annoying e-mails that students send to professors. I have posted some of these, and admit to finding them somewhat entertaining when posted on other blogs. But let's not forget that many students are thoughtful and responsible people who don't send these messages. And let's also appreciate the times when a student does something very nice.
I recently found this heartwarming note stuck in my office door:
Hey FSP,
I was just in [your building] dropping off flyers and thought I'd drop by and say hi. Unfortunately you aren't here, but just wanted to tell you that I'm missing [your class from last term]. Thanks for the awesome class!
Your Student
That makes up for a lot of grading agony and other of less savory aspects of teaching.
There are a lot of examples in blogs of the stupid and annoying e-mails that students send to professors. I have posted some of these, and admit to finding them somewhat entertaining when posted on other blogs. But let's not forget that many students are thoughtful and responsible people who don't send these messages. And let's also appreciate the times when a student does something very nice.
I recently found this heartwarming note stuck in my office door:
Hey FSP,
I was just in [your building] dropping off flyers and thought I'd drop by and say hi. Unfortunately you aren't here, but just wanted to tell you that I'm missing [your class from last term]. Thanks for the awesome class!
Your Student
That makes up for a lot of grading agony and other of less savory aspects of teaching.