
Diversity in Science Carnival #7: Black History Month - Broadening STEM Participation at every level

Welcome to the 7th edition of Diversity in Science Carnival. This also marks the one year anniversary of the carnival. This carnival is all about the people, institutions and ideas that work to broaden participation of all people in the STEM field via education, research, public outreach, and good vibes in general. Broadening Participation of African-American audiences at every age, every level and over time is the theme that unites all of the posts submitted to this carnival. Thank you to all of the contributors.

Start them young!
A lesson well-learned by many who are dedicated to broadening STEM appreciation to African-American audiences is to reach them when they are young. One of my newest bestest blog friends is Rue Mapp of Outdoor Afro and she does just that. In A Day of Service: Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. King, she recaps time spent on a rainy MLK day doing ecological restoration with her young children .

She is definitely on the right track. Parents who provide positive STEM experiences really make important impressions on their children. As Roberta from Growing With Science Blog explains, in Meet a Scientist: Dale Emeagwali, Dr. Emeagwali decided to study science because her parents were such great informal educators and discovery mentors.

Today's Achievers in STEM
Ideonexus is becoming one of my favorite youth-centered computer science bloggers. He and his wife of TGAW essentially run a computer-science-after-school-club-internet-cafe for the kids in their Elizabeth City, NC neighborhood. He introduces his young charges, and us, to Dr. Clarence Ellis, the first African-American to earn an Ph.D. in comptuer science.

Dianne Glave writes about African-American participation in the environmental heritage movement. In Black Heritage Month, Buffalo Soldiers, and Shelton Johnson, she introduces us to Gloryland - a historical novel by NPS Park Ranger Shelton Johnson (you may have seen him on PBS Ken Burns National Parks) about Buffalo Soldiers and includes their participation in the founding of the National Parks System in the United States.

Under the Microscope collects stories from women involved with STEM with the goal of publishing a survival guide for young women in science. They submitted several posts for this edition of the carnival. First they provide a compiled a list of Notable black female scientists and innovators which includes Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson (Physicist), Ms. Valeri Thomas (Mathematician & Computer Scientist) and Dr. Patricia Bath (Opthalamlogical Surgeon).

Next they introduce us to Dr. Estella Atekwana, a biogeophysicist at Oklahoma State University in Geoscientist probes Earth for underground life and to Shaundra Daily, A Computer Engineer links computers, emotions and education. Both of these women do some incredibly interesting research. I'm personally glad for Under the Microscope for profiling so many scientists in the physical and mathematical sciences. I'm always eager to learn more and I'm a just as green about these subjects as some of the students I encounter in real life.

And if you didn't know, let me let you tell you, the most significant contributor to medical science and microbiology was an African-American woman. She cured polio, developed in-vitro fertilization technology, went into outer-space, and helped unlock the mystery of the HIV virus; but she wasn't a scientist. Deborah Lacks' immortal mother, born Henrietta Lacks, scientific name is HeLa cells, is the woman responsible for these and many more scientific breakthroughs.

Building Bridges & Making Allies
It is also important to remember the importance of alliances when broadening participating in STEM to under-represented groups. Greg Laden never fails to disappoint to unearth key points any dig (pun intended). His post, Race and National Bias in East African Palaeoanthropology shines light on this historical under-representation of [Black] Africans as professionals in East African Paleoanthropology and how the Leakeys (yes, those Leakeys) played a pivotal role in helping to remedy the disparity.

And BikeMonkey takes us there...literally. He responds stiffly to Eric Michael Johnson's Open Letter to the Animal Liberation Front and their Supporters via Things White People Love: Comparing Black People to Monkeys. He rips EMJ for comparing the unethical medical experimental on Blacks (born of the cruelty of slavery and Jim Crow oppression) to research done on animals, in particular to non-human primates. Speaking up - against inappropriate behavior AND for inclusion of others - is exactly what is needed to create a more diverse community in science and engineering.

Related to that, Philip Alcabes discusses Science, Race, and Silence surrounding the tragic events at the Biology Department of the University of Alabama - Huntsville. Many may not have realized it, but that department was a very diverse science department. Three people were lost in the tragedy, including two African-American professors. This event choked me up, too. I share my thoughts about the incident in my post The Black History Month Post I never wanted to write.

photo credit:

This Diversity in Science Carnival Edition is dedicated to Dr.Gopi Podila, Dr. Adriel Johnson and Dr. Maria Ragland Davis and thoughts and prayers extended to the families of the victims, the alleged shooter and the entire University of Alabama-Huntsville community.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of diversity in science using our carnival submission form. It will be hosted by Wild About Ants and will celebrate
Women's History Month.

Selected readings 2/26/10

Interesting reading and news items.

These items are also bookmarked at my Diigo account.

Oceans losing ability to absorb greenhouse gas
Like a dirty filter, the Earth's oceans are growing less efficient at absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas produced by fossil-fuel burning, reports a study co-authored by Francois Primeau, UC Irvine Earth system science associate professor. [, 1/11/10]

Sedentary TV time may cut life short
Couch potatoes beware: every hour of television watched per day may increase the risk of dying earlier from cardiovascular disease, according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. [, 1/11/10]

How come intelligence, religion, and fertility are linked?
Here's a new study looking at the connection between religion, fertility, and IQ at a national level. We know from previous studies that countries where people are, on average, more religious also tend to have higher average fertility and lower average IQ. The problem is that we also know that countries that have lower average IQ also have higher fertility. So teasing out the two factors is not obvious. [Epiphenom, 2/20/10]

Alien Planet Safari
The premiere observatory of the next decade, the James Webb Space Telescope, will launch in 2014 in search of "big game"--namely, the first stars and galaxies ever formed in our Universe. But the "little game" could turn out to be just as interesting. There's a dawning awareness among astronomers that the world's largest infrared telescope is going to be a canny hunter of planets circling faraway stars. [, 1/14/10

Abstract Thoughts? The Body Takes Them Literally
The body embodies abstractions the best way it knows how: physically. What is moral turpitude, an ethical lapse, but a soiling of one’s character? Time for the Lady Macbeth Handi Wipes. One study showed that participants who were asked to dwell on a personal moral transgression like adultery or cheating on a test were more likely to request an antiseptic cloth afterward than were those who had been instructed to recall a good deed they had done. [New York Times, 2/1/10]

What Is Life? A New Theory
Biology is often called the study of life, yet in the history of the field, experts have never agreed on just what, exactly, life is. Many attempts to classify life focus on a list of requirements, such as the ability to reproduce, to carry out metabolic reactions, to grow, to defend against injury, and others. ... Biologist Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis of Wageningen University in the Netherlands has come up with a novel solution that does not ask life to meet a long list of abilities. [, 2/11/10]

Martian Hunting: The Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes
The iguanas of the Galapagos Islands have evolved many unique characteristics due to their isolation from mainland iguanas. Because they can't swim long distances, biologists believe that the first Galapagos iguanas arrived on natural rafts made from vegetation. The same thing may have happened across the ocean of space. Some researchers speculate that life on Mars – if there is any – may be composed of "island species" that were carried away from Earth on interplanetary meteorites. [, 2/16/10]

Space Is Getting Bigger, and It's Getting Bigger Faster
Few scientists can say their work forever changed how we see the universe. Saul Perlmutter is one of them, for his central role in the 1998 discovery of dark energy. That invisible energy, which accounts for a whopping 73 percent of everything in the cosmos, is stretching the fabric of space and could cause a runaway expansion of the universe. [Discover, 2/22/10]

The Man Who Builds Brains
In its trial runs Markram’s Blue Gene has emulated just a single neocortical column in a two-week-old rat. But in principle, the simulated brain will continue to get more and more powerful as it attempts to rival the one in its creator’s head. “We’ve reached the end of phase one, which for us is the proof of concept,” Markram says. “We can, I think, categorically say that it is possible to build a model of the brain.” In fact, he insists that a fully functioning model of a human brain can be built within a decade. [Discover, 2/5/10]

Problem-solving crows may not be as smart as we thought
Among all these overachievers, crows seem to be the shining exemplar of intelligence. You see, a crow, when first faced with a bit of meat dangling from a bit of string, figures out a solution pretty much instantly. This has led researchers to posit that crows build mental models that generate solutions, instead of relying on trial and error. Now, a bunch of Kiwis have published research in PLoS One that suggests crows don't actually build models. [Nobel Intent, 2/22/10]

As more planets emerge, astronomers are confident they'll find one like Earth
It seems increasingly likely that, as they stare at the heavens, astronomers are going to find an Earth out there, or at least something that they can plausibly claim is a rocky planet where water could splash at the surface and -- who knows? -- harbor some kind of life. ... [However,] the roughly 400 planets that astronomers have found outside our solar system have not been Earthlike by any stretch of the imagination. Most are hot Jupiters, which is to say they're gas giants in scorching orbits. [Washington Post, 1/12/10]

Inflaming dangers of a fat-laden meal
In the heavyweight division, immune cells embedded in fat pack some extra disease-causing punches, a new study shows. Those punches involve potentially dangerous proteins linked to inflammation, heart disease and diabetes. [Science News, 2/24/10]

Ancient dawn's early light refines age of universe
Six papers posted online present new satellite snapshots of the earliest light in the universe. By analyzing these images, cosmologists have made the most accurate determination of the age of the cosmos, have directly detected primordial helium gas for the first time and have discovered a key signature of inflation, the leading model of how the cosmos came to be. The analysis, based on the first seven years of data taken by NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, also provides new evidence that the mysterious entity revving up the expansion of the universe resembles Einstein’s cosmological constant .... In addition, the data reveal that theorists don’t have the right model to explain the hot gas that surrounds massive clusters of galaxies. [Science News, 2/2/10]

Quantum on Quantum
Almost three decades ago, Richard Feynman — known popularly as much for his bongo drumming and pranks as for his brilliant insights into physics — told an electrified audience at MIT how to build a computer so powerful that its simulations “will do exactly the same as nature.” Not approximately, as digital computers tend to do when faced with complex physical problems that must be addressed via mathematical shortcuts... Feynman meant exactly, as in down to the last jot. [Science News, 2/12/10]

Starting anew
Bely’s finding and other recent results have encouraged researchers who are trying to figure out why some animals can reconstruct their body parts while others can’t. Most species have the ability to regenerate some body parts, yet this talent is highly variable. Humans, for instance, can renew skin and bone, but salamanders can re-create entire limbs or tails, or just about any other structure that can be lopped off without killing them. And the real superstars are animals such as sea stars, flatworms and sponges: They can regenerate every part of their body, even from a tiny fragment. [Science News, 1/29/10]

Has the speed of light changed?
So would scientists notice a changing speed of light, given that the units for distance and time are defined in terms of that speed? The answer, as you might guess, is yes. There's two classes of constantly ongoing observations that come to mind. We'll call them the practical and the theoretical. [Built on Facts, 2/24/10]

The Maverick Bacterium
Whether it’s powering through the cytoplasm leaving a trail of polymerized actin, activating an arsenal of virulence factors through changes in RNA structure, or storing the code for RNA transcripts on the wrong side of DNA, Listeria makes up its own rules for survival. [The Scientist, 1/1/10]

Game theory shows evolution follows most successful member
Game theory has become a useful way to evaluate strategies for survival in evolution scenarios. In a new study, scientists set up a model where human players engage with each other and compete for resources, and can change their strategies for doing so in various ways. They found that as more rounds of the game were played, the human players developed a tendency to imitate the best player, causing the players as a group to tend to play the game the same way. [Nobel Intent, 1/19/10]

Is your brain making you fat?
Our brains developed ways to maintain our fat stores by detecting the levels of a hormone called leptin, which is secreted into the blood by fat cells. The brain mostly tries to keep this hormone level constant, by making us hungry and burn less energy when our leptin levels drop. It's an effective system for people whose lives depend on having reserves of energy to survive famine, but for those of us battling obesity in a time of plenty it's got some serious downfalls. [ABC Science, 1/21/10]

Better live in Sweden than in the US: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better
It is common knowledge that in rich societies the poor have shorter lives and suffer more from almost every social problem. In a quite fascinating book, The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always do Better, epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett demonstrate that more unequal societies are bad for almost everyone - the well-off as well as the poor. [International Cognition and Culture Institute, 2/25/10]

Science education standards: A broken system?
What horrifies Cooper most is that aspiring teachers go almost directly from learning science in dysfunctional courses to teaching it in grade school classrooms, creating a cycle of poor teaching and learning. To break this cycle, she said, we need to scrap trivial, information-based assessments and find ways to judge deep conceptual understanding and scientific thinking. [National Association of Science Writers, 2/24/10]

Most modern European males descend from farmers who migrated from the Near East
More than 80% of European Y chromosomes descend from incoming farmers. In contrast, most maternal genetic lineages seem to descend from hunter-gatherers. To us, this suggests a reproductive advantage for farming males over indigenous hunter-gatherer males during the switch from hunting and gathering, to farming - maybe, back then, it was just sexier to be a farmer. [, 1/19/10]

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Snowflake-Shaped Galaxy From Hubble

Snowflake-Shaped Galaxy From Hubble (1/15/10)
A bluish-white spiral galaxy hangs delicately in the cold vacuum of space. Like snowflakes, no two galaxies are exactly alike. Known as NGC 1376, this snowflake-shaped beauty has features that make it a one of a kind. Bright blue knots of glowing gas highlight regions of active star formation. Concentrated along the spiral arms, these areas of star formation show an excess of light at ultraviolet wavelengths for they contain brilliant clusters of hot, newborn stars that are emitting UV light. The less intense, red areas near the core and between the arms consist mainly of older stars. The reddish dust lanes are colder, denser regions where interstellar clouds may collapse to form new stars. Intermingled between the spiral arms are a sprinkling of reddish background galaxies.

NGC 1376 – click for 800×542 image

Fulfilling Furloughs

If any of you academic readers have been furloughed, what did you do during your furlough time?

Were there certain prohibitions (e.g., you cannot go to your office, you cannot answer e-mail from students)? Did you follow the rules?

Did you work anyway or was there absolutely no way you were going to do anything work-related while not being paid?

If you had a choice, did you take furlough days when no one would notice or did you try to make your furlough times a bit more visible to the academic community? (even if you aren't allowed to cancel classes for a furlough day)

If you have students and/or a laboratory facility that can't manage without you, what did you do? Or are we all less essential than we think we are..?

As many of us explore the reality of being paid less to do our jobs, which in some ways are becoming more difficult to do, I was thinking of what I might (unilaterally) do to rebalance my time and effort. It makes no sense to decrease my research or teaching efforts, even if I wanted to, so the most obvious thing would be to quit some committees and spend less time doing service. I wouldn't quit all my committees or service activities -- some of these are a necessary part of my job -- but I do a lot of service and I could reduce this. Has anyone else done this or something else in direct response to changes in their salary/schedule?

Is This Right?

To continue with the theme of student-professor interactions..

When students are working on a problem set or taking an exam, some will ask the professor or TA: Is this right? (pointing to a particular answer on their assignment or exam).

A variant on this is when as student points to their answer and asks if that answer is sufficient or whether they should write more.

The correct answer is: I'm not going to tell you if it's right or not.

But in reality, I find it difficult to say this without qualifying it a bit. Even though it would be quite reasonable for me to refuse to give a yes-no answer to their question, it always makes me uncomfortable to do so because I've seen the answer, I know whether it is correct or not, and it's hard for me to pass up an opportunity to help the student. It makes me particularly uncomfortable if I see that the answer is wrong and I don't say anything.

But some of the other options aren't necessarily good or fair.

If the answer is correct, I can say "Yes", which may help a student who knows what they are doing but just lacks confidence. That's nice, but is it fair to students who don't ask for this confirmation before handing in the assignment/exam? It is not.

If the answer is not correct, I can say "No", and then the student can try again, perhaps with some hints or other information. From the nature or magnitude of the wrong answer, I can probably discern where the student went off track and give them help to get on track. Again, is this fair to students who don't get this kind of information? Again, no.

Therefore, for problem sets, my general approach is to say "I'm not going to give you a direct answer, but.." and then I either:

- give the student some general questions to think about to see if they understand the logic of the homework question and the problem-solving process; or

- I ask them to rephrase the question so that they ask me about concepts.

That works pretty well for homework assignments, although I have had a few students over the years who repeatedly asked "Is this right?" for every homework assignment, despite my telling them that this question is inappropriate. Do some professors routinely answer this question with a yes or no? Are some students are perpetual optimists, hoping that I will just give in and give a direct answer? Most likely, some lack confidence. In that case, I think it is fair to ask a series of leading questions that will help the student answer the is-this-right question for themselves.

For exams, I tell the students that I will only answer questions involving clarification of the exam question, but some students find my unwillingness to provide syn-exam feedback frustrating, as if I am wasting their time with my inefficient system ("I'm not asking you for the answer. I'm just asking you if this is right.")


Where have all the protons gone?

Astronomers have long known that there is a rather close relationship between the intrinsic luminosity of a spiral galaxy and the rotational velocity of stars (around the galactic center) in the outer portions of the galaxy. This relationship even has a name: the Tully-Fisher relation.

It has also been known that small, nearby dwarf galaxies, which are irregular in shape, are not nearly as bright as they "should" be, according to the Tully-Fisher relation, given the measured average velocities of their stars.

Recent research shows that, nevertheless, the Tully-Fisher relation can actually be extended, with slight modification, to very large structures: entire clusters of galaxies. In that case, the intrinsic brightness of a cluster is mostly in the X-ray part of the spectrum (because it's due to very hot intergalactic gas), yet the correlation of cluster brightness to the average velocities of galaxies in the cluster is still quite good.

There's actually a very good explanation for the correlation, in that intrinsic brightness and average velocity of constituents are both closely tied to the total mass of the object.

And this is where things get very interesting. One has to consider the mass of ordinary "baryonic" matter separately from the mass of non-luminous dark matter. Many different kinds of independent observations point to the existence of almost 5 times as much mass of the universe in the form of dark matter as there is in the form of ordinary matter. Stated differently, ordinary matter makes up only 17% (a bit more than 1 part in 6) of the total mass of matter in the universe.

As long as the intrinsic luminosity of an object is proportional to its total mass, then mass can be taken as a proxy for luminosity, and a relationship between total mass and average constituent velocity is to be expected. This relationship is in fact predicted even by Newtonian mechanics – total mass should be proportional to the 4th power of velocity (M ∝ V4).

If one could further assume that the ratio of mass in the form of ordinary matter to mass in the form of dark matter in a galaxy or cluster is the same as the ratio in the universe as a whole (1 : 5), then the Tully-Fisher relation makes perfect sense. And this is so even though luminosity is entirely produced by ordinary matter, not the invisible dark matter. Indeed, this holds up very well – for spiral galaxies.

Surprisingly, there is also a fairly good relationship between luminosity and average velocity even in galaxy clusters – but there's a slight difference in the exponent: M ∝ V3. Again, this holds regardless of whether one considers total mass (including dark matter), or just visible ordinary matter. (The mass of a large cluster can be determined independently by techniques such as gravitational lensing.)

It's customary to plot mass vs. velocity (on vertical and horizontal axes, respectively) with logarithmic scales on both axes. When this is done, one gets straight lines that have slopes of approximately 4 (for spiral galaxies) and 3 (for galaxy clusters).

However, when plotting visible mass vs. velocity, the relationship breaks down almost completely for nearby dwarf galaxies. The smallest and dimmest dwarf galaxies are far below the curve. Their visible mass and luminosity – not counting dark matter – is far too small. On a log-log plot, such galaxies fall, with quite a large scatter, around a straight line having a slope of 5 or more.

There's a simple way to restate this observation: dwarf galaxies have far less visible ordinary matter than predicted by a traditional Tully-Fisher relation, and even much less than that if the ratio of ordinary matter to dark matter in the dwarf galaxies were close to what it is in the universe as a whole. In most dwarf galaxies, the ratio is less than 1% of what it "should" be.

In other words, there's an awful lot of ordinary matter missing and unaccounted for in dwarf galaxies. Hence the question (since ordinary matter is mostly hydrogen (protons)): where have all the protons gone?

Observations of nearby dwarf galaxies are pretty reliable – these are our closest neighbors. Assuming Newtonian gravity, we know the masses of these objects very reliably from the velocities of the stars (which we can see individually) within them. There's no hot hydrogen in these galaxies, as there is in distant galaxy clusters, since we see no signal of it in any part of the spectrum down to the infrared. Astronomers are also pretty certain that there's not a lot of cold hydrogen, which should emit strongly at radio frequencies – the famous HI 21-centimeter line.

So where are all the protons? Quite possibly they've been blown outside of the dwarf galaxy entirely, by supernova winds. Escape velocity from a dwarf galaxy is a lot less than what it is for a typical spiral, yet supernovae have just as much bang as they do anywhere else. Very recent detailed simulations have supported this idea, as I discussed here.

An alternative, and rather more radical, possibility is that Newtonian gravity is wrong – the protons still aren't there (why?) but neither is any "dark matter". Instead, the total mass of visible stars – as surprisingly small as it seems to be – is still enough to account for observed stellar velocities, using some form of "modified Newtonian dynamics" (MOND).

Unfortunately, for believers in MOND, the theory was concocted as an alternative to dark matter for explaining rotational velocities in spiral galaxies. MOND theories are typically adjusted carefully to fit the spiral galaxy data. They would need to work differently in dwarf galaxies. And they are already known not to work right for large galaxy clusters either.

Lots of intriguing questions here...

Original abstract:

The Baryon Content of Cosmic Structures
We make an inventory of the baryonic and gravitating mass in structures ranging from the smallest galaxies to rich clusters of galaxies. We find that the fraction of baryons converted to stars reaches a maximum between M500 = 1012 and 1013 M, suggesting that star formation is most efficient in bright galaxies in groups. The fraction of baryons detected in all forms deviates monotonically from the cosmic baryon fraction as a function of mass. On the largest scales of clusters, most of the expected baryons are detected, while in the smallest dwarf galaxies, fewer than 1% are detected. Where these missing baryons reside is unclear.
McGaugh, S., Schombert, J., de Blok, W., & Zagursky, M. (2010). THE BARYON CONTENT OF COSMIC STRUCTURES The Astrophysical Journal, 708 (1) DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/708/1/L14

Further reading:

The Baryon Content of Cosmic Structures – preprint at arXiv

Team Shines Cosmic Light on Missing Ordinary Matter (1/7/10)

Dark Matter and Dark Energy Update (1/9/10)

Inventory Asks: Where Is All the Non-Dark Matter Hiding? (1/15/10)

The Thoughtful Student

Note: Comment moderation will be erratic and infrequent for a day or two, hence this rather uncontroversial post today.

There are a lot of examples in blogs of the stupid and annoying e-mails that students send to professors. I have posted some of these, and admit to finding them somewhat entertaining when posted on other blogs. But let's not forget that many students are thoughtful and responsible people who don't send these messages. And let's also appreciate the times when a student does something very nice.

I recently found this heartwarming note stuck in my office door:

Hey FSP,

I was just in [your building] dropping off flyers and thought I'd drop by and say hi. Unfortunately you aren't here, but just wanted to tell you that I'm missing [your class from last term]. Thanks for the awesome class!

Your Student

That makes up for a lot of grading agony and other of less savory aspects of teaching.

Open Lab is here. Buy yours today!

Yes, the long awaited, highly anticipated The Open Laboratory 2009 Edition is here!
*trumpets blow and confetti bombs released*

Yours truly can now say I have official publishing cred and is one heckuva of science blogger, too. I'm just saying. The book, yes - a for real, printed on paper, trees had to die, ISBN stamped paperback book is available for you all to purchase.
Give the gift of science...literacy to one and all. And if you do, I am more than happy to sign your physical copy (if we meet in person).
Proceeds of the book (beyond the cost of publishing, of course) will be contributed to funds for future ScienceOnline Meetings - the science blogging conference I attend.

Buy a book, it's almost better than buying Girl Scout cookies....and you all know how much I love Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Cookies.

There should be a patch for buying Open Laboratory 2009.
(I wish I had Dr. Isis' Photoshop skillz.)
Watch your sashes. I've always wanted one of my own.

Not Qualified to Judge

A not-uncommon complaint of tenure-track faculty, particularly during the tenure decision year, is that some of those who are deciding their Fate would not get tenure under today's rather rigorous system of evaluation. How can the process be fair if people unqualified for tenure today participate in decisions about the tenure of others?

It's a complicated question because, although the tenure bar has definitely been raised with time, you can't know whether someone who had too-low-for-tenure-today productivity way back when would rise to the challenge of today's standards or not.

I am working very hard here to be fair and balanced about this topic. I certainly have done my share of grumbling about certain senior professors who seem to have succeeded for mysterious reasons. These particular senior professors have published only a few no/low citation papers, got few or no grants, and mostly got by on their charms, which in some cases are not considerable. How did they even get tenure back then? These extreme cases are, however, the exception, and becoming more rare with time.

I am cynical enough to think that some tenured professors can't be trusted to make a fair evaluation of their more junior colleagues, whether because they have no idea what it is like to be constantly working on manuscripts and proposals or for their own nefarious reasons. In some departments, there seem to be a few professors who reflexively vote no in tenure cases; perhaps not so much in an aggressive effort to deny the candidates tenure as to make a point that no one is good enough to deserve an easy tenure process (even if they themselves had this luxury when they got tenure in the Jurassic).

This is probably related to the phenomenon in which some spectacularly unproductive professors are particularly aggressive about questioning the superior records of younger scholars (faculty, researchers, applicants for faculty positions). These people clearly have Issues.

In my limited experience, however, these unpleasant individuals have been vastly outnumbered by more reasonable people. Perhaps I have been fortunate, but this conclusion is consistent with what I have seen during my interactions with the tenure process in many other science and engineering departments, at my own university and beyond.

In most cases, I think the system itself has enough checks and balances to keep these unfair naysayers in the minority. I am not saying that the system is completely fair; every year, deserving candidates are denied tenure and others with similar records attain it. But I do think that the process of frequent evaluation at 1-3 year intervals, although stressful, provides a lot of data and accountability to somewhat demystify the process.

It's not possible to deny a vote to all those tenured professors whose scholarly records fall below the current standards for tenure, but it is possible and necessary for everyone voting on someone else's career fate to think very carefully about what standards are being applied, whether these standards have been clearly and fairly communicated from Day One, whether the candidate has had the time and resources to fix any issues revealed during the 1-3 year reviews, and whether the candidate has met the standards for tenure according to the norms of the discipline, the department, and the university. If these requirements are emphasized and openly discussed by the department leaders with the tenured faculty, perhaps it will be more difficult for the unjustly critical to cast a hypocritical no vote.

Like a Business

At some point during my early years as an Assistant Professor, the university at which I was employed started making sounds about how the institution should be more "like a business". We should all care more about "customer service", for example. Students and others became "stakeholders". At some point the term "deliverables" appeared on the scene.

I think most people are on board with the concept that universities should not waste anyone's money or time, should treat students (and faculty and staff) with respect, should have a positive impact on the community (and the planet), and should do a good job at what they are supposed to do (producing educated citizens, discoveries, lively debate of ideas).

But can and should a scholarly community be run like a business? Many professors don't like the concept, and perhaps neither do the other stakeholders:

Study Finds Public Discontent With Colleges
Tamar Lewin
Published February 17, 2010

Most Americans believe that colleges today operate like businesses, concerned more with their bottom line than with the educational experience of students..

When my (previous) university started the like-a-business chant, what effect did this have on my daily life as a professor other than being forced to read memos with new jargon? In reality, not a lot, but from time to time we had to provide information or produce a report or other document that justified our "mission" in this new context.

That might not sound like a bad thing. Shouldn't we all be able to explain why we should continue to do what we do? Yes, but many of us didn't trust the university to make a thoughtful and fair judgment about what was valuable to the university and the broader community, and what was not. If I, as a science professor, was getting grants, publishing papers, being invited to give talks, getting positive teaching evaluations, and successfully advising students who subsequently found gainful employment, wasn't that pretty good evidence that I was doing my job? And doesn't the system already have mechanisms for evaluating whether I was doing my job or not?

I think so, but at various times new requirements rained down from on high. At one point, although this was a top-ranked university that attracted students from all over the US and beyond, each faculty member had to write a brief report explaining how our research directly benefited the state in which the university was located. There may have been political reasons for this, but the motivation was also tied to the drive to be more like a business, accountable to its stakeholders.

My research had absolutely nothing to do with anything specific to the state. I was teaching some of its citizens about Science and I hoped I was contributing to the excellence of a university that was located in that state, but was that enough? And what of those professors who were studying other galaxies? The literature of other times and places? Diseases that afflict people living on other continents? Would these contributions be recognized?

Perhaps the university was seeking a balance between research on a more cosmic/global scale and that which directly benefited the community surrounding the university's physical location. That would be fine. I think that there should be strong connections between a university (public or private) and its local community. But so should our research universities also be places where scholars investigate the planet and its inhabitants across vast regions of space and time.

The problem was that the university never said that such a balance would be considered or appreciated. That was stressful to me as an Assistant Professor who was doing state-irrelevant research.

In the end, nothing happened re. the state issue; the administration changed, priorities were realigned, and new committees produced new reports about how the stakeholders should be best served. Perhaps that was very business-like, such as what might happen when there's a new boss or manager with new ideas about how things should be done.

There may be some positive aspects of the like-a-business model. Perhaps the increasing emphasis on quality of teaching, even at a major research university, is in some ways related to a recognition that universities should provide good "customer service". As long as universities don't go so far as to adopt a policy of "the customer is always right" (imagine the grade inflation!), improved teaching could be a positive result of the drive to run universities more like businesses.

There are other aspects of the like-a-business concept that are less acceptable, such as demonstrated by my anecdote about how one university veered towards harming the scholarly mission of the university. Creating an environment in which scholars and students can discover and communicate freely is paramount; the economic and social benefits of such creative environments are evident in communities that have universities and colleges in their midst.

Are there some ways in which universities should be even more like businesses? Would this be a good time to mention my disenchantment with the university accounting system? Surely no real business could operate for long with the complex accounting systems of some universities. Or perhaps it is the drive to be more like a business that has resulted in the hiring of ever more staff and administrators, some of whom decided that the university needed an all-encompassing and all-enraging system for managing people and money, even if that system has made some aspects of the administration of grants and personnel nearly impossible.

Or perhaps that is part of an evil plan to save money and focus on the bottom line. Just last week I paid for some lab supplies with my own funds rather than dealing with the accounting system. Except.. there's a flaw in that evil plan. I spent my own money instead of charging the items to my grant, and therefore did not save the university any money.

I think that as the economy continues to be weak and access to higher education continues to be a challenge for some (perhaps many) people, universities and "stakeholders" within and beyond the university will all be very focused on the bottom line.

Dwarf galaxies start making sense

Cosmology has, for a decade, had its "standard model", which largely explains most of the cosmological phenomena that astronomers are able to observe. Except for a relatively small number of things that don't seem to make sense in the model. Prominent among the latter are dwarf galaxies – by one definition, galaxies having less than 10% of the total mass of the Milky Way.

The standard model of cosmology is known officially as the Λ-cold-dark-matter model – ΛCDM. (This theory has no particular relation to the Standard Model of particle physics.) Cold dark matter (CDM) refers to the hypothesis that a large part of the detectable mass content of the universe consists of particles that are not accounted for by the Standard Model of particle physics. The dark matter is said to be "cold", because it appears to consist mostly of "non-relativistic" particles, meaning particles moving at speeds not close to the speed of light. That excludes, for example, neutrinos.

As weird as the idea of dark matter might seem, there is abundant evidence for it, which can't easily be better explained in other possible ways. (Although, many other possibilities have been proposed.) I haven't written a lot about this recently, since the evidence for CDM just keeps piling up, but here's one important study. Dark matter is "observed" indirectly through its gravitational effects on ordinary visible matter. For instance, the motions of stars in the Milky Way have recently been analyzed closely enough to show that the dark matter in which the Milky Way is embedded has the shape of a squashed beach ball. (See here, here, here.)

Λ is the conventional symbol used for the "cosmological constant", which is a concept from Einstein's general theory of relativity. It is supposed to account for the observed phenomenon of "dark energy". This too is controversial, but there is much evidence for it, from a variety of different studies that are not all based on the same kinds of observations. I last wrote at length on the evidence here.

I need to write a lot more about recent evidence for dark energy, but I'll be very brief about it here. There is very recent evidence involving the motion of galaxies quite near our own (see here). Other than that, the evidence for dark energy is based on observations of distant Type Ia supernovae (about which there's a lot of recent news), "weak lensing" (see here), and "baryon acoustic oscillations" (a large topic).

In spite of all this evidence, ΛCDM isn't without its problems. As already suggested, one set of problems involves dwarf galaxies. There are at least two (somewhat related) parts to this problem. The larger part of the problem is simply that not enough very small dwarf galaxies (masses less than a percent of the Milky Way's) have been detected. This is often known as the "missing satellite problem".

Dwarf galaxies, being very small, are also intrinsically dim, and thus difficult to observe at all unless they're very nearby. However, only about 11 dwarf galaxies are known to be satellites of the Milky Way – and such satellites should be the easiest of dwarf galaxies to detect. This is a serious problem, since simluations of expected galaxies sizes based on the way that dark matter should be expected to clump together predict as many as 500 dwarf satellites of the Milky Way.

The other problem is known as the cuspy halo problem. "Halo" refers to the cloud of cold dark matter in which all visible galaxies are expected to be embedded. Simulations indicate that the dark matter should be concentrated in the center of the halo instead of being evenly distributed throughout. This is intuitively reasonable – after all, most of the ordinary matter in our solar system is concentrated right in the middle, in the Sun itself.

This problem exists somewhat even for large galaxies like the Milky Way, but it is much more severe for dwarf galaxies. In fact, it seems as though the smaller the galaxy is, the greater the tendency for the dark matter (as indicated by orbital motion of stars within the galaxy) to be distributed fairly smoothly, with little or no density cusp in the center.

Related to this is a recent finding (see here) that smaller galaxies seem to have a smaller proportion of ordinary baryonic matter to dark matter than does the universe as a whole. And, in fact, the smaller the galaxy, the smaller the proportion of ordinary matter. In the universe as a whole, there is much evidence, based on detected abundances of light elements and observations of the cosmic microwave background, that there should be about 5 times as much mass in the form of dark matter as there is of ordinary matter. One might expect this proportion to be about the same in galaxies. Yet instead, in the smallest galaxies, astronomers can detect less than 1% as much ordinary matter (in the form of visible stars) as one would expect to find.

This would suggest that an important reason we can't detect very many small galaxies is that they simply have too few stars and are too dim to see. But it still doesn't explain why this should be the case.

In fact, I wrote 2½ years ago about a study that reported finding many small galaxies consisting of 99% or more of dark matter (here). The authors of the study even speculated that the reason such galaxies were mostly composed of dark matter was that "the fierce ultraviolet radiation given off by the first stars, which formed just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, may have blown all of the hydrogen gas out of the dwarf galaxies forming at that time." And they added, "The loss of gas prevented the galaxies from creating new stars, leaving them very faint, or in many cases completely dark. When this effect is included in theoretical models, the numbers of expected and observed dwarf galaxies agree."

Kind of makes sense, doesn't it? In fact, even for galaxies that began to form later, a large number of supernovae early in the life of a galaxy might be enough to blow away most of the hydrogen from which additional stars could form. And indeed, a recent much more detailed simulation of galaxy formation supports precisely this idea.

Why is it that previous simulations had not caught this? The reason is very simple: detailed simulations of galaxy formation and evolution are exceedingly demanding of computer resources. In order to make such simulations even possible – up until now – astrophysicists considered only the effect of gravitational collapse of a mixture of ordinary and dark matter. The effects resulting from star formation and subsequent supernovae were omitted entirely.


Actually, this simplification is pretty understandable. The simulation that is the subject of the research under discussion here, that did take into account stellar formation processes, consumed an almost incredible amount of computing time. According to one report, "The simulation was carried out using about 250 processors running for about two months." That's more than 40 processor-years.

And that's just for one simulation, involving a single set of initial conditions.

Here's the abstract:

Bulgeless dwarf galaxies and dark matter cores from supernova-driven outflows
For almost two decades the properties of ‘dwarf’ galaxies have challenged the cold dark matter (CDM) model of galaxy formation. Most observed dwarf galaxies consist of a rotating stellar disk embedded in a massive dark-matter halo with a near-constant-density core. Models based on the dominance of CDM, however, invariably form galaxies with dense spheroidal stellar bulges and steep central dark-matter profiles, because low-angular-momentum baryons and dark matter sink to the centres of galaxies through accretion and repeated mergers. Processes that decrease the central density of CDM halos have been identified, but have not yet reconciled theory with observations of present-day dwarfs. This failure is potentially catastrophic for the CDM model, possibly requiring a different dark-matter particle candidate. Here we report hydrodynamical simulations (in a framework assuming the presence of CDM and a cosmological constant) in which the inhomogeneous interstellar medium is resolved. Strong outflows from supernovae remove low-angular-momentum gas, which inhibits the formation of bulges and decreases the dark-matter density to less than half of what it would otherwise be within the central kiloparsec. The analogues of dwarf galaxies—bulgeless and with shallow central dark-matter profiles—arise naturally in these simulations.

Basically what the simulation has to do is to incorporate a level of granularity that reflects the size of a typical star-forming region: "Baryonic processes are included, as gas cooling, heating from the cosmic ultraviolet field, star formation and supernova-driven gas heating. The resolution is such that dense gas clumps as small as 105 M are resolved, similar to real star-forming regions."

It certainly wasn't possible to do a simulation where the granularity was on the order of the size of a single star – that could take 105 times as long. Yet the results are very reasonable. The simulation produced a galaxy that closely resembles dwarf galaxies actually observed. In particular, the simulated galaxy has no "cusp" of dark matter density at the center, and no central bulge of visible stars in the center either.

And so the simulation adequately accounts for properties of real dwarf galaxies, which no previous simulation has done. The intense outflowing "winds" from supernovae that result from the heaviest initially-formed stars sweep all ordinary baryonic matter out of the central region. These winds are simply high-energy photons, which interact only with ordinary matter, not dark matter. However, the ordinary matter does interact gravitationally with the dark matter, which also then gets pulled away from the center.

The simulation does not directly settle the question of why so few very small dwarf galaxies are observed. Presumably, many small dwarfs actually do form. They just have so little ordinary matter that is able to coalesce into stars that the galaxies are too dim to detect at any great distance. This is in accord with other studies that show that the smallest galaxies have only a very small proportion of visible ordinary matter.
Governato, F., Brook, C., Mayer, L., Brooks, A., Rhee, G., Wadsley, J., Jonsson, P., Willman, B., Stinson, G., Quinn, T., & Madau, P. (2010). Bulgeless dwarf galaxies and dark matter cores from supernova-driven outflows Nature, 463 (7278), 203-206 DOI: 10.1038/nature08640

Further reading:

Supernova winds blow galaxies into shape (1/13/10)

Supernovae put dark matter in the right place (1/13/10)

New research resolves conflict in theory of how galaxies form (1/13/10)

Astrophysicists unwind 'Cold Dark Matter Catastrophe' conundrum (1/14/10)

Puzzling Dwarf Galaxies Finally Make Sense (1/13/10)

Galaxy formation: Gone with the wind? (1/13/10)

Selected readings 2/19/10

Interesting reading and news items.

These items are also bookmarked at my Diigo account.

Searching ALL the Tevatron data for exotic physics
The majority of published particle physics papers involve looking for a very specific elementary particle process. They conclude by either showing that it exists or constraining limits on how often that process could possibly occur. But is there a way to take advantage of a collider’s whole data set and seeing if it is consistent with an expansive theoretical model, such as the Standard Model of particle physics? [Symmetry breaking, 2/13/10]

The Cosmological Constant and the Dark Sector
The dark sector refers to dark energy and dark matter, which are two distinct phenomena which seem to have no direct connection other than in name. In this post I am going to talk about the cosmological constant, dark energy, and look at some landmark literature on the subject. [The Astronomist, 2/7/10]

Physicists Solve Difficult Classical Problem with One Quantum Bit
Most research on quantum information systems has concentrated on models that use multiple quantum bits. In a new study, physicists have demonstrated how to solve a difficult classical problem that completely encapsulates a quantum model that requires only one quantum bit. The scientists, Gina Passante, et al., from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, have presented their experimental results for the quantum solution of the approximation of the Jones polynomial, which is a knot invariant. [, 1/8/10]

Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen
In an important first for a promising new technology, scientists have used a quantum computer to calculate the precise energy of molecular hydrogen. This groundbreaking approach to molecular simulations could have profound implications not just for quantum chemistry, but also for a range of fields from cryptography to materials science. [, 1/10/10]

Warp-Speed Algebra: New Algorithm Does Algebra in a Snap
Quantum computers can do wondrous things: too bad they do not exist yet. That has not stopped physicists from devising new algorithms for the devices, which can calculate a lot faster than ordinary computers—in fact, exponentially faster, in quite a literal sense. Once quantum computers do become available, the algorithms could become a key part of applications that require number crunching, from engineering to video games. [Scientific American, 1/1/10]

Fermi telescope closes in on mystery of cosmic ray acceleration
The Large Area Telescope collaboration, led by KIPAC researchers Takaaki Tanaka, Uchiyama, and Hiroyasu Tajima, released the first image of a supernova remnant in the giga-electronvolt energy range (about 200 million times the energy of visible light). By revealing the spatial distribution of cosmic rays in the remnant, this result is a significant step toward definitively determining how cosmic rays are accelerated in supernova remnants. [Symmetry breaking, 1/7/10]

Do particle theorists have a blind spot?
Theorist Matthew Strassler from Rutgers University challenged particle theorists to not be too simple in their analyses. Most people would probably not claim that theoretical particle physics is too simple, but Strassler argued that nature is likely to be even more complicated than hpysicists expect. And if theorists only properly examine the simplest classes of models, where simple is a relative term, they might be led astray in interpreting future Large Hadron Collider data. [Symmetry breaking, 2/14/10]

How to Change A Skin Cell Into A Nerve Cell or Cellular Anarchy & The Great Leap Sideways
A team at Stanford's Institute for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, led by Marcus Wernig and graduate student Thomas Vierbuchen, recently announced that a combination of only three transcription factors that would change a skin cell into a nerve cell -- with no intermediate (undifferentiated) steps. [h+ Magazine, 2/7/10]

Imaging the Brain Better, Faster, Thinner
fMRI's a tool, an amazing one in a lot of ways, but like any tool it needs to be used well. Along with others, I've criticized various aspects of recent fMRI practice, but only because it's frustrating to see such a powerful tool not being used to its full potential. So I was very pleased by a recent paper by Sabatinelli et al, The Timing of Emotional Discrimination in Human Amygdala and Ventral Visual Cortex. The authors set out to test a hypothesis - that seeing an emotionally charged picture would activate the amygdala and the inferotemporal cortex (IT) before activating the extrastriate occipital cortex. [Neuroskeptic, 2/3/10]

Uncovering the Genetic Controls of Cellular Aging
A fascinating thing about DNA replication is that the actual process lacks the ability to replicate the very ends of chromosomes. That means chromosomes should get shorter with every round of cell division (DNA replication), but they remain more or less the same length, getting gradually shorter with aging. The natural shortening of chromosomes is refered to as cellular aging. So how do chromosomes maintain their ends if not by replication? [DNA Dude, 2/9/10]

God's will and beliefs are your own, not god's
According to these results believers project their own values and beliefs on their god (or gods) to a great extent, which could certainly help explain not only the great diversity and variability of religious belief and expression, but also the ambiguous nature of religious interpretation. [Ego sum Daniel, 1/27/10]

Hunting Fossil Viruses in Human DNA
The borna virus is at once obscure and grotesque. It can infect mammals and birds, but scientists know little about its effects on its victims. ... The virus now turns out to have an intimate bond with every person on Earth. In the latest issue of Nature, a team of Japanese and American scientists report that the human genome contains borna virus genes. The virus infected our monkey-like ancestors 40 million years ago, and its genes have been passed down ever since. [New York Times, 1/11/10]

The Origin of the Future: Death by Mutation?
The evolutionary biologist Michael Lynch has published a provocative paper (to mark his inauguration into the National Academy of Sciences) in which he makes another kind of forecast. Our future evolution, he warns, is going to lead to a devastating decline in our health. [The Loom, 1/7/10]

Spiral Galaxies Exist — But Why?
It's a minor miracle (and a topic of considerable debate) how all the spirals we see today managed to endure all that mayhem unscathed. "The formation of spirals is a problem," admits Christopher Conselice, a galaxy specialist at the University of Nottingham. "We don't know how they formed, or how they survive all those mergers." [Sky & Telescope, 2/16/10]

WMAP Refines "Precision Cosmology"
Without much public notice, the team running the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) recently released results from the satellite's "seven-year data set," updating the five-year data released in 2008. ... The two more years of data have further beaten down the statistical uncertainties in the cosmic background map, allowing analysts to refine what it tells us about the cosmos as a whole. If the new, revised results didn't make much news, it's because they show modern cosmology to be steady on course. The better data only firm up confidence in what we already thought we knew. [Sky & Telescope, 2/14/10]

Cell phone radiation may fight Alzheimer's... in mice
The study examined the performance of mice that received a daily dose of radiation similar to that produced by cell phones, and found that, over a period of several months, their memory improved. When the same procedure was performed with mice engineered to be predisposed to Alzheimer's pathology, it was actually able to reverse some of the cognitive decline. [Nobel Intent, 1/6/10]

Zinc Fingers Could Be Key to Reviving Gene Therapy
The technique, which depends on natural agents called zinc fingers, may revive the lagging fortunes of gene therapy because it overcomes the inability to insert new genes at a chosen site. Other researchers plan to use the zinc finger technique to provide genetic treatments for diseases like bubble-boy disease, hemophilia and sickle-cell anemia. [New York Times, 12/28/09]

Climate change: No hiding place?
The fact that no record high happened in the 2000s does not mean that there was no warming over the decade—trends at scales coarser than the annual continued to point upwards, and other authorities suggest there have been record years during the period. Nor was the length of time without an annual record exceptional. Models simulating centuries of warming normally have the occasional decade in which no rise in surface temperatures is observed. [The Economist, 1/7/10]

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Fall Short of Potential Found in Embryonic Version
The act of reprogramming cells to make them as capable as ones from embryos apparently can result in aberrant cells that age and die abnormally, suggesting there is a long way to go to prove such cells are really like embryonic stem cells and can find use in therapies. [Scientific American, 2/11/10]

Pop Goes the Pulsar
One of the challenges of astrophysics is interpreting what we observe. Here on Earth we can set up experiments to test phenomena, but when it comes to the cosmos all we can do is sit back and watch. We've sent probes to the furthest regions of our solar system, but even that is just a tiny corner of the heavens. So how can we possibly know that there are galaxies light years away, or that the universe is billions of years old? The answer is that we take what we know about physics here and apply it to what we observe there. [Upon Reflection, 2/17/10]

Should Evolutionary Theory Evolve?
Some evolutionary biologists say that the body of knowledge concerning evolutionary processes has simply outgrown the confines of the Modern Synthesis, which was crafted before science had a strong grasp of genomics, molecular biology, developmental biology, and other, more recently derived disciplines, such as systems biology. [The Scientist, 1/1/10]

Violating Parity with Quarks and Gluons
Quarks and gluons interact in interesting ways, and in the many fluctuations that happen in these high-temperature collisions we can get “bubbles” that pick out a direction in space. In the presence of these bubbles, quarks treat left and right differently, even though they treat both directions exactly the same when they’re in empty space. [Cosmic Variance, 2/16/10]

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The Black History Month Post I never wanted to write

In my entire college career, I have only had ONE (1) Black Biology Professor. Actually, he's the only Black Science Professor I have ever had. As a soon-to-be Ph.D. in Biology, who hopes to one day teach college biology, I see myself as part of the Future Professoriate. It shouldn't be historic for one person to earn a Ph.D. in the Natural Sciences, but it certainly can feel that way. The numbers of Blacks (and other minorities) earning doctorates in the sciences and engineering are growing, but still comprise only 1-3% of the total Ph.D.s awarded in the United States. When I find a job, I feel pretty sure that there will be at least another woman in the department (but no guarantee), and maybe other persons of color. But I am not holding my breath that I'll have a Black colleague. The numbers just aren't there and the profile of the average college or university in the average science department reflect this fact.

I can imagine how it must have felt for Dr. Ragland Davis and Dr. Johnson to be in the Biology Department at the University of Alabama-Huntsville. To be apart of a scholarly community of vibrant researchers, people of every complexion, relatively young department (many of the professors were middle-age), and to have another Black Professor down the hall - who earned a doctorate from the same must have felt amazing. By all accounts this department was full of excitement and energy which I have found seems to co-occur in dynamic and diverse departments. Professors were excited about their research. They deeply engaged students and were memorable mentors. UA-H seems to be one of the most diverse Biology Departments I have ever known. It was a profile of Diversity in Science.

Then, on Friday, February 12, 2010, Amy Bishop walked into the department faculty meeting and changed everything. She disrupted the statistics, these precious statistics of diversity in science, and she changed the course of history in her life and so many others. This event was a tragedy: unnecessary violence and pain to the families of the victims; shock to students and fellow faculty; and a loss of mentors; and a loss of an exemplary department that seemed to know and value diversity and success. It is such a shame that Dr. Bishop could not counsel herself and deal with her issues - whether it was dealing with her denied tenured or her other demons. Science lost three great people and a really beautiful science department was forever changed.
Photo by Diana Toh, University of Alabama-Huntsville, via AP from
From left, Gopi Podila , Adriel Johnson and Maria Ragland Davis were killed in the shooting Friday at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. Luis Cruz-Vera and Joseph Leahy were wounded.

In Memoriam
• Maria Ragland Davis was a 52-year-old associate professor of biology who specialized in plant pathology and biotechnology. She had been on the university’s faculty since 2002. Dr. Davis was a graduate of the University of Michigan. She held a master’s degree in chemical engineering and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from North Carolina State University.

Adriel D. Johnson was an associate professor of biology and had been on the faculty at the university for more than 20 years. A longtime mentor of minority students, Dr. Johnson was director of the campus chapter of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Professor Johnson was a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis. He held master’s degrees from Tennessee Technological University* and the University of Alabama at Huntsville. He earned his Ph.D. at North Carolina State University.
From the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, February 18 , 2010 Newsletter.

*This event hit close to me emotionally and geographically. Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee, is my college alma mater and I have attended classes at Washington University in St. Louis, MO.


The Good, the Bad, and the Bizarre

If you are having a difficult time in your particular part of the academic ecosystem and are maybe even wondering if it is worth it to continue, do you seek out fellow sufferers (in the blogosphere or in real life) or do you look for those who have survived academia, or who at least think that academia is survivable?

Which is more useful to you: the disenchanted, unlucky, and beleaguered; or the it-can-be-done types?

The answer can, of course, be both, but I'm guessing that many people find one or the other more comforting and helpful.

I don't know which I would have preferred had blogs or other forms of e-networking existed when I was a grad student and postdoc. As I have described in various posts about my early years in academia, I had a difficult time with strange, unfair, and even abusive faculty, I had to work harder than many of my peers to get respect, and at various times I was close to quitting (or being ejected). Obviously I didn't (and wasn't), and I was fortunate to have the opportunity to develop a very satisfying career as a researcher and teacher and to find friendlier realms in the academic community.

During the darkest days, I didn't seek out others who were struggling, quitting, or failing, and I didn't find it comforting to commiserate with the bitter and paranoid. Neither did I enjoy being with the oblivious golden ones whose success seemed predetermined, whether deserved or not. Instead, I found a supportive community in friends and others who were passionate about Science and who had a good perspective on (and sense of humor about) some of the more bizarre aspects of academia. And I was lucky.

Even so, one of the reasons I started this blog was because I was feeling particularly dissatisfied with some aspects of academia, so I looked around online to see if there were other mid-career science professors (women in particular) writing about some of these issues. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I was certainly searching for fellow travelers.

This question of what kind of community you find most supportive or inspiring goes beyond blogs, of course. It also relates to what makes a person or a group of people be effective role models, as opposed to annoying outliers who, perhaps by mere luck, succeeded in a particular activity or career.

At various times in recent years, I have been told "You're not a good role model because.." (fill in the blank with something that emphasizes how lucky, carefree, or strange my life is, e.g.: You and your husband both got faculty positions in the same place. You only have one child. You like to work long hours. All your cats are extremely large.)

Similarly, as FSP, I get comments along the lines of "I hate your blog because you are so positive about academia* and it's just not like that."

To which I say: Whatever. It is and it isn't. Everyone should be able to find a community or role model or blog(s) that provide the needed or desired type of emotional support or practical advice, whether your preferred academic guru is a ruthless optimist, an erratic chronicler of academic antics, or a relentless raincloud of negativity.

* except the accounting system and men