I have been busy. As I am sure you all have noticed by my blogging frequency. (And let me say I am very thankful that you all have still been with me through all of this). 2010 is definitely becoming a breakthrough year professionally: defending the dissertation, graduation, working, presenting.
The truth is, the busy-ness I am experiencing in real life is the result of my online science blogging activities. How paradoxal, huh? If you follow the blog on Facebook, you might have noticed the tick in professional activities. I've been trying to convert the blogging audience into an online community and so far so good. I've been posted pictures and updates directly to the Facebook Fan page. (And if you're so inclined, please join, too.)
Quick recap of this summer achievements:
1. Submitted a video to the Oprah Winfrey Network contest to have my own televison show. I didn't place, but I'm still proud that I finallyput my vision to words, pictures, audio and video. Many thanks to my sister for editing and creating this audition video. So, if anyon out there knows of a media outlet that would be interested in such a program (produced/hosted by me of course), please feel free to get at me.
2. Blogging While Brown Conference in Washington, DC. Attending and speaking at this conference has spurred many other social media engagement opportunities. I met some amazing bloggers (The Cubicle Chick and Glamazini) from St. Louis and we hosted a tweetup - a real life meetup of local area Twitter & facebook users and bloggers. We plan to have more tweetups in the future. Plus, one of my co-hosts is hosting her own blogging conference: Show Me the Blog on Saturday, October 23rd.
3. Forest Park Summer Youth Program job. Oh, I had a blast working with the kids this year, and the staff. I worked as a counselor last year and got a chance to use alot of the lessons learned in Experiential Education - that I also promote here on the blog - in real life. Plus, I was proud of my professional growth. I was the program supervisor this year and the staff seemed to enjoy themselves and no kids were injured....so I'd say I did alright.
4. St. Louis Magazine. Earler this summer I was recommended by the St. Louis Academy of Science to answer the "Big Question: If you had $10 million dollars, what idea would you fund to transform St. Louis". If you're able to secure a copy of the September 2010 edition of the magazine, you'll see I'm one of 45 people who answered the question. I'm really honored because I share some print space with some local heavy hitters like Economic Developer John Edwards and Beer Hier Adolphus Busch IV.
5. Featured in the Science & Tech Section of the Charlotte Observer. Each Monday, a new science blogger is interviewed and featured in the newspaper. Here is the link to my interview in the August 23, 2010 paper: City dwellers can see science all around town by TD Beeland.
6. I got a job! Perhaps this is the single biggest accomplishment over the summer. I believe in the Law of Attraction I asked for an opportunity to do science outreach for pay and it happened. I'm presently sharing science and consulting on matters related to STEM diversity and outreach for a fabulous St. Louis-based non-profit - SCOPE (Science & Citizens Organized for Purpose & Exploration).
7. Upcoming speaking engagements. Actually the presenting started in the summer when I was invited to Miami University in Ohio. I presented part of my dissertation to the Biology Department for their Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. Also, I'll be presenting at the Urban Outdoor Summit in Kansas City on September 24 & 25th. It's a great meeting to discuss the recreational and career opportunities in outdoors and nature for diverse audiences. It is a free meeting which culminates in a Kids Fishing Derby at Spring Valley Park. Plus, I've been invited to present at The Missouri History Museum as apart of the Perspectives on Science and History Lecture Series for the Exhibit: Home Lands: How Women Made the West. If you're in St. Louis, Missouri on the evening of Tuesday, October 19, then feel free to check out the lecture on Homestead Earth: An Evening with Women Environmentalists.
See, I told you I've been busy.
The truth is, the busy-ness I am experiencing in real life is the result of my online science blogging activities. How paradoxal, huh? If you follow the blog on Facebook, you might have noticed the tick in professional activities. I've been trying to convert the blogging audience into an online community and so far so good. I've been posted pictures and updates directly to the Facebook Fan page. (And if you're so inclined, please join, too.)
Quick recap of this summer achievements:
1. Submitted a video to the Oprah Winfrey Network contest to have my own televison show. I didn't place, but I'm still proud that I finallyput my vision to words, pictures, audio and video. Many thanks to my sister for editing and creating this audition video. So, if anyon out there knows of a media outlet that would be interested in such a program (produced/hosted by me of course), please feel free to get at me.
2. Blogging While Brown Conference in Washington, DC. Attending and speaking at this conference has spurred many other social media engagement opportunities. I met some amazing bloggers (The Cubicle Chick and Glamazini) from St. Louis and we hosted a tweetup - a real life meetup of local area Twitter & facebook users and bloggers. We plan to have more tweetups in the future. Plus, one of my co-hosts is hosting her own blogging conference: Show Me the Blog on Saturday, October 23rd.
3. Forest Park Summer Youth Program job. Oh, I had a blast working with the kids this year, and the staff. I worked as a counselor last year and got a chance to use alot of the lessons learned in Experiential Education - that I also promote here on the blog - in real life. Plus, I was proud of my professional growth. I was the program supervisor this year and the staff seemed to enjoy themselves and no kids were injured....so I'd say I did alright.
4. St. Louis Magazine. Earler this summer I was recommended by the St. Louis Academy of Science to answer the "Big Question: If you had $10 million dollars, what idea would you fund to transform St. Louis". If you're able to secure a copy of the September 2010 edition of the magazine, you'll see I'm one of 45 people who answered the question. I'm really honored because I share some print space with some local heavy hitters like Economic Developer John Edwards and Beer Hier Adolphus Busch IV.
5. Featured in the Science & Tech Section of the Charlotte Observer. Each Monday, a new science blogger is interviewed and featured in the newspaper. Here is the link to my interview in the August 23, 2010 paper: City dwellers can see science all around town by TD Beeland.
6. I got a job! Perhaps this is the single biggest accomplishment over the summer. I believe in the Law of Attraction I asked for an opportunity to do science outreach for pay and it happened. I'm presently sharing science and consulting on matters related to STEM diversity and outreach for a fabulous St. Louis-based non-profit - SCOPE (Science & Citizens Organized for Purpose & Exploration).
7. Upcoming speaking engagements. Actually the presenting started in the summer when I was invited to Miami University in Ohio. I presented part of my dissertation to the Biology Department for their Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. Also, I'll be presenting at the Urban Outdoor Summit in Kansas City on September 24 & 25th. It's a great meeting to discuss the recreational and career opportunities in outdoors and nature for diverse audiences. It is a free meeting which culminates in a Kids Fishing Derby at Spring Valley Park. Plus, I've been invited to present at The Missouri History Museum as apart of the Perspectives on Science and History Lecture Series for the Exhibit: Home Lands: How Women Made the West. If you're in St. Louis, Missouri on the evening of Tuesday, October 19, then feel free to check out the lecture on Homestead Earth: An Evening with Women Environmentalists.
See, I told you I've been busy.