
Just Checking

If you have published at least one paper in a journal that is included in a citation index, how often do you check your own citation statistics? Do you know what your h-index is? (I mean, do you know the number, not what the h-index is.) Do you subscribe to a citation alert service so you are notified when someone cites your paper? Do you check up on the citation data of certain colleagues, whether or not your intentions are good?

I am not so interested in opinions about whether you think citation indices are a nifty metric or the worst thing to happen to academe since faculty meetings were invented, but go ahead and rant in the comments if you must.

Mostly I am wondering how often we are checking on our own citation data, no matter what we think of the significance (or lack thereof) of these data.

How often do you check your citation statistics?
As often as possible
Quite regularly, but not obsessively
Every once in a while, when I think of it
Maybe once a year, if that
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Do you know what your h-index is?
Yes, I know exactly what it is
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No, I have no idea free polls