
I'm speaking at the Blogging While Brown Conference

I have been selected as a panelist/presenter at the 3rd Annual Blogging While Brown Conference. I attended this same conference last year and was initially unsure of what I might gain from the conference, I was pleasantly surprised and was very glad I had attended.  I learned some new things about the technology and direction of social media among communities of color.  But more importantly, I met some amazing people, some amazingly supportive people.  I was feeling as if the Black Blog-o-sphere seemed dominated by pop culture and political commentary, and that blogs about science/nature/education written by people of color seemed overlooked.

Social media (and the real life interactions that come about from it) are just one of many ways to engage people in ideas and actions.  The people in that room helped me realize that we could work together, leveraging our strengths (and blog audiences) and helped me achieve some very important goals related to growing my blog. It was at this same time I entered the Blog Your Way to Antarctica Contest.  Before I was out fo the Chicago city limits, my newly minted @BWBConference friends were the very first to jump on bandwagon.  Thanks to their support (and the support of many, many, more) I was in 8th place (out of nearly 800 contestants)!

I will be participating in the panel: "Beyond Gossip, Hip Hop, Hair, and Politics: Bloggers and Change Agents and Educators".  Also on the panel are Luvvie of Awesomely Luvvie and Latoya Peterson of  We'll each share tips with other bloggers about technology strategies we've employed to use our blogs for initiating major initiatives and awareness campaigns over important issues often not introduced in more popular blogs.

Check out the official Speaker Announcement video on YouTube.

I will be representing for the science/nature/education/outdoor recreation blogs out there! I will discuss using online tools to engage under-represented audiences in STEM and how to enhance scientific literacy and research participation via Citizen Science Projects, Science fairs, etc. Plus, I'm excited to get STEM on the forefront. Blogs about basic yet equally important issues like education and specific to my interests - science education - always seem to be overlooked, especially among blogs authored by people of color. Even when political issues required some better understanding of science, the science is often overlooked in favor of a sensationalized story.  I hope to change that.

My goals as a presenter are three-fold:
1) to initiate a dialogue about STEM education in formal and informal settings with other bloggers;
2) encourage communities of color to become more engaged in science/nature activities (online and in real life); and
3) share my strategies of how I managed to become one of the more popular African-American science/nature bloggers on the web.

Registration is open to all.  I hope some of you will come out.  The line-up of speakers is great.  Plus, they are offering a free Beginner's Bloggers Bootcamp on June 18th.   More information about the conference (including the bios of all of the speakers) can be found at the conference website.

Finally, if you're interested in assisting my efforts to attend the conference, then feel free to drop me a line and we can discuss sponsorship options. In the meantime, I appreciate your support of my blog and professional endeavors.

Many thanks to each of you!
demystifying nature, letting everyone experience

What I Said

Yesterday I described how a Great Man of Science sat in my office and explained to me some exciting research done by one of my recent PhD students and me, as if the work had instead been done by one of our collaborators, a very famous scientist (the Other Great Man of Science mentioned in yesterday's post).

What did I do?

First I wanted to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding the conversation. Did he really have no clue that I was involved in this research or was he just expressing himself in an awkward way, focusing for some reason on the fact that my famous colleague supervises the lab in which one part of the research was done (by my student) and just not expressing himself well?

It soon became clear that he had no clue. His further statements proved it.

I have previously been in situations in which someone didn't realize that I was one of many co-authors on a paper, and that hasn't bothered me as long as I really was a minor co-author.

In the case under discussion here, however, I was offended because Great Man didn't even remember that we had met not-so-long ago (~ 6 months) at a multi-day workshop that focused entirely on this research, much less that I was one of the organizers of the workshop. He thought he was telling me something I didn't know.

In talking to him, it was clear to me that, in his mind, this research was associated only with Other Great Man of Science. Despite the fact that he had abundant evidence to the contrary during the workshop ~6 months ago, he had erased the existence of the rest of us from his awareness of this research: the students, a not-famous but nevertheless awesome colleague, and me. In his casual conversation about this research, the only one worth mentioning was the Other Great Man of Science.

Other Great Man of Science is definitely not responsible for this situation. He is a nice person, a quiet man, and a great supporter of all students involved in our project. He has been generous with his time and research facilities, and he is not a back-stabber. Our research collaboration involving 3 professors at 3 institutions and students at each place has been successful because of positive interactions among the groups.

For Great Man to believe that this research should be credited to Other Great Man, and to express this to my (apparently forgettable) face, with no recollection that I had even been at that workshop, was truly strange. It was not malicious. The Great Man's habit of savoring the names of other famous men was a feature of his visit to my department. At one point, he compared himself to Max Planck.

So this is what I did after swiftly contemplating my options:

I said something similar to what many commenters to yesterday's post indicated that they would have said. I said "Yes, of course I know about that research because a large part of it has been my work." Then I launched into a calm but very detailed description of the project, highlighting the work of my student, placing Other Great Man's contributions in context, and describing the evolution of the project. I wondered whether, even though he clearly didn't remember me, he remembered the excellent presentations of my former student, Young Awesome Scientist, from the workshop? I continued to elaborate for a while about the research, in what I hoped was an authoritative but nice way.

He was definitely somewhat embarrassed, although I don't think the feeling went too deep. He mumbled something about not being good with names and faces, then changed the subject to his favorite topic: himself and other famous people he knows.

Right after my monologue and his mumbled excuse, he said "Oh, so your field is Z? I know The Greatest Man of Z Science of the Last Half of the 20th Century. Have you ever met him?"

Indeed I have. I do get out now and then, including to workshops that I help organize on fascinating research topics that even attract Great Men of Science as participants, although some of them, despite being impressed by the research, have a selective memory about the experience later.

Diversity in Science Carnival # 9: All Shades of Green is up

Yes, it's a party!  Celebrating the people of Science and Engineering!
With April being the month we celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day, and Environmental Education what better way to celebrate these Green activities than to celebrate the people who make Green happen.
Diversity in Science Carnival #9 - All Shades of Green.

Dianne Glave of Rooted in the Earth - a blog about Reclaiming the African American Environmental Heritage, hosted her very first carnival.  And I love her take on the theme - A 'Scratch-n-Sniff' Blog Carnival: "What does April (spring) smell like to you?"  Each submitter shares his/her story and blog post.

It's great.  Check it out and please leave a comment at each author's page.

Plus, be sure to join us for Diversity in Science Carnival #10: Shattering Stereotypes in STEM, hosted at Quiche MoraineWe are inviting all posts that challege pre-conceptions and mis-conceptions of who scientists/engineers are, what they look like, how they behave, what they do, etc. A cross-disciplinary examination of this issue is encourged and posts about everything from the merging of art and science or science and faith, to posts that highlight social life to how people from well-represented groups are strong advocates of diversity initiatives.

Submission deadline May 25. Carnival will post May 27.
Submit via this link.

Invisible Me

Not long ago, a Great Man of Science came to my department, gave some talks, and met with faculty, students, and researchers. I have met him before, most recently ~ 6 months ago, but we do not know each other well at all.

I expected him to be familiar with only one part of my research; i.e., research on topic X, as it was in the context of my work on X that we most recently met. Therefore, during my individual meeting with him in my office, I was amazed to hear him say:

My good friend, Other Great Man of Science, is doing some really interesting work on X right now. In fact, he is transforming the way we think about X, and has some recent results that are very exciting.

I was stunned when he said this, and sought clarification. I thought maybe I heard him wrong or somehow misunderstood.

I was stunned because he was talking about my research group's work on X.

The interesting ideas and results have not been generated by my collaborator, Other Great Man of Science, who is at another university. In fact, the exciting results are primarily the work of one of my recent PhD students, as part of her doctoral thesis work.

Other Great Man of Science was a collaborator on the NSF grant that funded this work, but he has not been the most active member of the group and has not been a driving force behind the research. In fact, although I enjoy working with Other Great Man, his part of the project has been lagging.

My PhD student (now graduated) has been the most visible person doing this research and making the interesting discoveries and interpretations. Great Man also met her 6 months ago and saw her present her research results, at length. Yet Great Man erased her from his perception of the collaboration as well. In his mind, the only person worth remembering or mentioning is Other Great Man of Science.

It was surreal to have my group's research described to me by someone else and attributed to a colleague, as if my student and I did not exist.

My ego, which is generally healthy but not too huge on most days, was wounded, but not mortally so, as I am dealing with the situation by wallowing in outrage and contempt for this particular Great Man of Science (as a person, not as a scientist).

I hasten to say that Other Great Man of Science is not responsible for this situation. He has not taken undue credit for the research. In fact, he has been very supportive of my student and would be the first to confirm that it is primarily her work and that she has made the most interesting discoveries of the work thus far.

It is Great Man of Science's perception of the research that is the problem. He sees his famous friend; the rest of us either don't exist or can't possibly be important. Given the incredible amount of name-dropping he did during his talks in my department, this may be a habit with him.

If you had been in my place when this Great Man gave credit to his famous friend for the ideas and work of one of your students and/or you, despite the fact that you and your student had published and given talks on the research (and Other Great Man had not) and you knew that Great Man had been present at those talks (and had asked questions at the time), what would you have done? Confronted him immediately? Let it slide because who cares what he thinks -- he won't change his ideas and why cause an embarrassing situation, assuming the Great Man of Science is capable of being embarrassed? Expressed anger? Used humor? Nodded silently? Wondered if he was losing his mind?

Later I shall reveal what I did, but for now this post is a cliff-hanger.

Selected readings 4/28/10

Interesting reading and news items.

These items are also bookmarked at my Diigo account.

Cross-discipline Effort Tracks Evolution of Human Uniqueness and Modern Behavior
A panel of scientists challenges what it is to be distinctly human and retraces the evolutionary steps that bipedal apes made to attain human traits. [Scientific American, 2/26/10]

Early Humans Used Brain Power, Innovation and Teamwork to Dominate the Planet
Scholars gathered to discuss how a unique combination of human traits helped our species survive to colonize the globe. [Scientific American, 2/27/10]

Mass of the Common Quark Finally Nailed Down
It’s not every day that scientists reduce the uncertainty in a fundamental constant of nature from 30% to 1.5%, but a team of theoretical physicists claims to have done just that. Using supercomputers and mind-bogglingly complex simulations, the researchers have calculated the masses of particles called “up quarks” and “down quarks” that make up protons and neutrons with 20 times greater precision than the previous standard. [ScienceNOW, 4/2/10]

Let’s draw Feynman diagrams!
There are few things more iconic of particle physics than Feynman diagrams. These little figures of squiggly show up prominently on particle physicists’ chalkboards alongside scribbled equations. ... The simplicity of these diagrams has a certain aesthetic appeal, though as one might imagine there are many layers of meaning behind them. The good news is that’s it’s really easy to understand the first few layers and today you will learn how to draw your own Feynman diagrams and interpret their physical meaning. [US LHC Blogs, 2/14/10]

More Feynman Diagrams
We could draw lines with arrows or wiggly lines and we were only permitted to join them using intersections (vertices) of the above form. These are the rules of the game. We then said that the arrowed lines are electrons (if the arrow goes from left to right) and positrons (if the arrow points in the opposite direction) while the wiggly lines are photons. The choice of rules is what we call a “model of particle interactions,” and in particular we developed what is called quantum electrodynamics, which is physics-talk for “the theory of electrons and photons.” [US LHC Blogs, 3/7/10]

QED + μ: introducing the muon
By now we’ve already familiarized ourselves with quantum electrodynamics (QED): the theory of electrons, positrons, and photons. Now we’re going to start adding on pieces to build up the Standard Model. We’ll start with the muon. [US LHC Blogs, 4/4/10]

Free will is an illusion, biologist says
When biologist Anthony Cashmore claims that the concept of free will is an illusion, he's not breaking any new ground. At least as far back as the ancient Greeks, people have wondered how humans seem to have the ability to make their own personal decisions in a manner lacking any causal component other than their desire to "will" something. But Cashmore, Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania, says that many biologists today still cling to the idea of free will, and reject the idea that we are simply conscious machines, completely controlled by a combination of our chemistry and external environmental forces. [, 3/3/10]

Did the discovery of cooking make us human?
Cooking is something we all take for granted but a new theory suggests that if we had not learned to cook food, not only would we still look like chimps but, like them, we would also be compelled to spend most of the day chewing. [BBC News, 3/2/10]

Depression’s Upside
The mystery of depression is not that it exists — the mind, like the flesh, is prone to malfunction. Instead, the paradox of depression has long been its prevalence. While most mental illnesses are extremely rare — schizophrenia, for example, is seen in less than 1 percent of the population — depression is everywhere, as inescapable as the common cold. [New York Times, 2/25/10]

Human Culture, an Evolutionary Force
As with any other species, human populations are shaped by the usual forces of natural selection, like famine, disease or climate. A new force is now coming into focus. It is one with a surprising implication — that for the last 20,000 years or so, people have inadvertently been shaping their own evolution. [New York Times, 3/1/10]

Hogan’s noise
Cosmologist Craig Hogan, in contrast, has become enamored of a noise he claims is generated by something even tinier — a minuscule graininess in the otherwise smooth structure of spacetime. Call it Hogan’s noise. Many physicists are skeptical, but if his hunch about the existence of this subatomic clatter proves correct, it could have a mind-boggling implication: that the entire universe is nothing more than a giant hologram. [Science News, 3/13/10]

Hot tip: Target inflammation to ease obesity ills
What if you could be fat but avoid heart disease or diabetes? Scientists trying to break the fat-and-disease link increasingly say inflammation is the key. In the quest to prove it, a major study is under way testing whether an anti-inflammatory drug - an old, cheap cousin of aspirin - can fight the Type 2 diabetes spurred by obesity. And intriguing new research illustrates how those yellow globs of fat lurking under the skin are more than a storage site for extra calories. They're a toxic neighborhood where inflammation appears to be born. [, 3/1/10]

Protein folding: The dark side of proteins
Almost every human protein has segments that can form amyloids, the sticky aggregates known for their role in disease. Yet cells have evolved some elaborate defences. [Nature News, 4/7/10]

'Life as we don't know it' in the universe? Start with Titan.
From the dun plains of Meridiani on Mars to the "cool Jupiter" exoplanet CoRoT-9b circling a distant star in the constellation Serpens, scientists have put a premium on finding worlds that have the potential for liquid water, which enables life on Earth. But in Titan, scientists have found a world that, some suggest, could point to an exception to the rule. Might life exist without liquid water? Increasingly, Titan is becoming the focus of a movement to consider the possible existence of "life as we don't know it." [, 4/11/10]

Mirror Neurons - The unfalsifiable theory
I recently had the pleasure of giving a lecture on mirror neurons at UC San Diego which is a very active locale for folks working on the human mirror system. I expected a lot of push-back on my critical views of mirror neurons, and I wasn't disappointed. [Talking Brains, 3/19/10]

Explained: Radiative forcing
When people talk about global warming or the greenhouse effect, the main underlying scientific concept that describes the process is radiative forcing. [, 3/10/10]

Explained: Climate sensitivity
Climate sensitivity is the term used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to express the relationship between the human-caused emissions that add to the Earth's greenhouse effect -- carbon dioxide and a variety of other greenhouse gases -- and the temperature changes that will result from these emissions. [, 3/19/10]

Did Society Do It?
Language seems unlikely to have started as the solution to any one problem. Evolution can handle any single task with a more focused adaptation. There seems no reason to doubt that early Homo did use proto-speech for referring to absent things and for recruiting, but there also seems no reason to suppose it was limited to that role. [Babel's Dawn, 4/11/10]

How robots think: an introduction
In the 1960's, researchers in artificial intelligence were boldly declaring that we'd have thinking machines fully equivalent to humans in 10 years. Instead, for most of the past half-century, the only robots we saw outside of movies and labs were arms confined to factory floors and were remotely operated by humans. Building machines that behaved intelligently in the real world was harder than anyone imagined. [Nobel Intent, 3/15/10]

Hunt for the sterile neutrino heats up
Neutrinos like to keep to themselves. These ghostly particles are so reluctant to interact with ordinary matter that billions zip harmlessly through each person every day, and it takes giant, specialized detectors to capture even a handful of them. Now astronomers are finding hints of an even more elusive type of neutrino, one so shy that it could never be detected directly: the sterile neutrino. [Nature News, 3/17/10]

Explained: Regression analysis
Regression analysis. It sounds like a part of Freudian psychology. In reality, a regression is a seemingly ubiquitous statistical tool appearing in legions of scientific papers, and regression analysis is a method of measuring the link between two or more phenomena. [, 3/16/10]

A Skeptic Questions Cancer Genome Projects
Vogelstein summed up by saying that cancer has gone from "a complete black box" to something that "we really kind of understand." The "sobering" part, he said, is that he doesn't expect there will be many new genes or genetic breakthroughs. He has pinned his own hopes for preventing cancer deaths on using genetics to diagnose cancers early, when they're more treatable. [ScienceInsider, 4/23/10]

Bigger, Better Space Telescopes Following In Hubble's Footsteps
Hubble Space Telescope huggers are celebrating the iconic observatory's 20th birthday, even as scientists anticipate the next generation of bigger and more powerful successors to the famed orbital instrument. [, 4/23/10]

What Is Mathematics For? [PDF]
What mathematics education is for is not for jobs. It is to teach the race to reason. It does not, heaven knows, always succeed, but it is the best method that we have. It is not the only road to the goal, but there is none better. [Notices of the AMS, 4/27/10]

When multi-tasking, each half of the brain focuses on different goals
The part of our brain that controls out motivation to pursue our goals can divide its attention between two tasks. The left half devotes itself to one task and the right half to the other. This division of labour allows us to multi-task, but it also puts an upper limit on our abilities. [Not Exactly Rocket Science, 4/15/10]

To sleep, perchance to dream, perchance to remember
The last decade of research has clearly shown that sleep is one of the best aide memoires that we have. During this nightly time-out, our brain can rehearse information that it has picked up during the day and consolidate them into lasting memories. Wamsley’s new study supports that idea but it also shows that dreaming while you nap can strengthen our memories even further. [Not Exactly Rocket Science, 4/22/10]

The Utrecht Paradigm
There is something wrong here. If you began stopping people on the street and asked them if they thought it likely that language depends on a mixture of biological adaptations and cultural innovations, wouldn’t the first 999 out of 1000 answer yes? So what kind of knot can language scholars have tied themselves into for the news out of Utrecht to be that they too would answer yes? But that’s the case, although it looks temporary and unsustainable. [Babel's Dawn, 4/25/10]

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Solar Flare

The main character and narrator of the novel Solar by Ian McEwan is Michael Beard, a repulsive Nobel Prize- winning physicist who had the stereotypical experience of a flash of brilliance as a young physicist, soon after which he intellectually burned out. Beard drifts into being involved in developing green technology (wind, solar), but he's not too interested in it until he steals the ideas of a postdoc who was having an affair with Beard's 5th wife (an affair she initiated in revenge for her husband's many affairs) but who dies in an accident in Beard's home when he trips over a polar bear skin rug, whose dangers were foreshadowed, soon after Beard returns from a bizarre trip to the Arctic, where he (Beard) encountered an angry polar bear. Is everyone with me so far?

That's just one small part of the book, most of which consists of tale after tale of excess: eating, drinking, lying, stealing, womanizing. It is not a pleasant book, but it is not entirely without its charms. If you can get past the absurd plot and the revolting characters, it's possible to enjoy some of the writing.

Except for one part, which, for me, was even worse than the Polar Bear of Doom scenes:

In the part of the book I particularly loathed, Beard agrees to head up a government committee charged with promoting physics in schools and attracting more students and teachers to physics. He doesn't give the committee much thought when he agrees to be part of it. The committee consists of three physics professors, various school teachers and headmasters, and a professor of "science studies".

At the first meeting, everyone on the committee introduces themselves, and Beard is curious to hear from the professor of science studies because the field is a "novelty" to him. The professor begins by noting that "..she was the only woman in the room and that the committee reflected one of the very problems it might want to address."

Fair enough. Good point. The committee is sympathetic to this. I was sympathetic to this.

The science studies professor, however, goes on to explain a recent research project in which she studied a genetics lab that was trying to isolate a particular gene in lions.

"Her purpose was to demonstrate that this gene, or any gene, was, in the strongest sense, socially constructed. Without the various "entexting" tools the scientists used.. the gene could not be said to exist... The gene was not an objective entity.. It was manufactured by their [the scientists'] hypotheses, their creativity, and their instrumentation.."

Now everyone, including me, thinks she is a blathering idiot, as intended by McEwan. When the science studies professor is done speaking, one of the physicists asks "Do you honestly believe that what you don't know about doesn't exist?"

Beard, as chairman, doesn't want to waste time arguing about whether genes are real or not, so he ends the discussion, and moves along to other items on the agenda, noting vaguely that they will have time to discuss these issues in subsequent meetings.

Later that day, the committee holds a press conference to a group of bored reporters. Tedious questions are asked; tedious answers are given. The committee's aims are worthy; there's nothing newsworthy about it.

But then: "a woman from a midmarket tabloid" asks about the underrepresentation of women in physics. Beard says that the committee will be looking into this to see if there were new ways to address the issue.

All would be well if he had stopped there. But of course he doesn't stop there. He keeps talking.

"He [Beard] believed there were no longer any institutional barriers or prejudices.. And then, because he was boring himself, he added that it might have to be accepted one day that a ceiling had been reached.. It was at least conceivable that they [women] would always remain in a minority.. There might always be more men than women who wanted to work in physics.."

He then goes on to explain that the brains of men and women are different, and that it's not about superiority, merely that there are innate differences in cognitive ability and interests. Boys are better at problem-solving etc.

Does some of this sound familiar?

Anyway, the reporters at the press conference are not particularly energized by these claims, but the professor of science studies is. She expresses her violent revulsion of what Beard has just said, then announces her resignation from the committee. She walks out. The reporters perk up and follow her out.

This is just the start of Beard's trouble with the "women and physics" issue, especially once journalists unearth his long troubled history with women (the many wives, the many affairs). And then it gets worse for him when he participates in a debate about the issue. He is the only Scientist in the debate.

Beard repeats what he said at the press conference; the cognitive differences between men and women etc. He is irritated. He wonders aloud if gravity is also a social construct, and he is booed.

A woman in the audience who rails about Beard's "hegemonic arrogance" speaks in "stern, headmistressy tones". The academic who debates him has "a red and blue frock, with a twittering voice to match". After the debate, Beard thinks he has done OK, considering how boring the twittery woman was.

But things soon go awry, and the plot gets even more farcical. Beard's career is (temporarily) destroyed by hysterical women who, helped considerably by the media, portray him as a sexist Nazi elite hegemonic unfeeling white male. Or something.

Other than a few glimmers here and there in the novel, when the reader might sort of feel some sympathy for Beard because he is, at times, cynical in an amusing way, this is one of the few episodes in which he is portrayed sympathetically. He blunders into this crisis unwittingly. It's true that he is a serial philanderer, but he is not sexist. He was only saying things that were true and scientific, backed up by research. He is just a simple scientist, and is a victim of these crazy women who don't understand science.

There are many good reasons why Beard's career as an administrator should have been destroyed, so it is ironic that he is brought down by these events, which, we are supposed to believe, aren't even his fault. The novel is otherwise a relentless, over-the-top depiction of a repulsive person who continually outdoes himself in disgusting behavior. Yet Beard becomes a sort of martyr-scientist, a well-meaning white male scientist attacked by people who have no understanding of Science but who are interested in demonizing men, concocting hysteria, and ignoring the undeniable fact that men and women are different.

I have read several reviews of this book, but none of the ones I read mentioned this particular episode. Some focused on the polar bear theme, and many rave about how well the author did with the "science" aspects of the novel (climate science, physics). Some reviewers, who seem to recognize that the book is a strange collection of disgusting anecdotes, resort to the rather desperate opinion that the book is so bad, it's actually brilliant. Overall, I would say that reviews are mixed but positive; e.g., Solar is not McEwan's best, but compared to what other authors can come up with, at least the ones who are still alive, it's awesome. And so on.

I think the book is a mess. Even so, despite the despicable parody about stupid women who don't understand science and the general unpleasantness of the plot and characters, I seldom regret reading a book, even ones I hate, this one included.

One-way Traffic?

One of the committees I was on this year recently consumed quite a lot of my time, and involved a marathon session in which a group of faculty from all over the university got together and discussed other faculty. I (mostly) enjoyed the wide-ranging debates and glimpses of academic life in other disciplines. I had particularly intriguing discussions with an art historian and a psychologist, and felt overall that my time on this committee was well-spent.

This was my first time on this committee, which I agreed to join in part because I had always found this committee's methods a bit mysterious and I wanted to know how it worked.

Here are some miscellaneous observations about this committee experience:

1. My generally optimistic view of academics was confirmed. There were a lot of nice people on this large committee. These were faculty who devoted quite a lot of time to tasks intended to help other faculty, and in particular early-career faculty. I would say that the committee is moderately powerful -- not as powerful as a P&T Committee but more powerful than most policy committees. Yet these faculty were not in it for the power or for settling scores or whatever other cynical reasons people might imaging would impel professors to take on a time-consuming committee assignment.

2. When evaluating other faculty, the Liberal Arts Professors (LAPs) and Fine Arts Professors (FAPs) were harder on their colleagues than they were on the scientists, engineers, or social scientists. In fact, the LAPs and FAPs were harder on their colleagues than the scientists etc. were on anyone.

I certainly am not going to make a sweeping conclusion about this based on one experience with a particular set of individuals. Nevertheless, I found this phenomenon quite interesting. Warning: I am about to muse about this one anecdotal event despite the small sample size and lack of a control group, statistical analysis, IRB permission, and coffee.

Hypothesis: The LAPs and FAPs were not comfortable being highly critical about research topics far outside their expertise, so they tended to give the benefit of the doubt to science and engineering faculty. They were more critical of fellow professors, even highly successful ones, because they felt that they had a more solid basis from which to be critical.

The converse was not true -- science-technology-engineering-math (STEM) and social science faculty showed no particular propensity to be more critical of any particular discipline than another. Does this mean that we STEM etc. faculty are nicer? Or are we so egotistical that we think we know something about everything? Or is it because we are not intimidated by the non-scientific research in the same way that the LAPs and FAPs are intimidated by more quantitative fields?

These last questions remind me of a part of the novel Solar (by Ian McEwan), about which I will write more tomorrow. The main character is a loutish Nobel Prize-winning physicist. As a university student, he seduced a young woman by intensely studying up on Milton, her major intellectual interest. He read Milton, he read criticism of Milton, and within a short amount of time he could converse as an apparent expert, impressing her greatly and winning her heart. This woman became the first of his 5 wives.

The successful seduction of this woman by pretending to know and care about Milton..

".. was a turning point in his development, for he knew that no third-year arts person, however, bright, could have passed himself off after a week's study among the undergraduate mathematicians and physicists who were Beard's colleagues. The traffic was one-way.. The reading was a slog, but he encountered nothing that could remotely be construed as an intellectual challenge, nothing on the scale of difficultly he encountered daily in his course."

Once the physicist has this realization, he feels "intellectually free". Remarkably, although McEwan lets many more obnoxious thoughts and actions pass with no subsequent enlightening experiences to alter the physicist's perception of himself and others, this particular episode is later put into humbling context: many years after the seduction-by-Milton event, the physicist tells the story to a professor of English, who says:

".. you've missed the point. If you had seduced ninety girls with ninety poets, one a week in a course of three academic years, and remembered them all at the end -- the poets, I mean -- and synthesized your reading into some kind of aesthetic overview, then you would have earned yourself a degree in English literature. But don't pretend that it's easy."

On my university committee, I don't think any of the STEM or social sciences faculty shared this fictional physicist's view that the liberal arts are "easy". I saw no evidence that we underestimated the LA or FA research, or thought "I could do that with little or no effort" (because it's so easy).

One of the great things about these all-university committees is that diverse faculty are sitting in a room together. It's difficult to feel (too) skeptical about the rigor of another discipline when faculty from that discipline are sitting across a table from you, making interesting and persuasive contributions to the discussion. The LA and FA professors did need to explain some things to us scientists about the culture of their disciplines -- Why did so many LAPs, for example, seem to have determined the outcome of their research before they started the project? -- but I detected no contempt for "unscientific" research. And whenever we were faced with a research project that seemed truly bizarre, no matter what the topic, we all tended to agree about it.

I don't know why the LA and FA faculty were so harsh on their colleagues. I do know, however, that despite this tendency, the committee overall had no trouble reaching consensus on what what we thought were the best of the best of the faculty/research documents we were examining, no matter what the discipline, so in the end, I don't think the LAPs and FAPs were at a disadvantage by having sharks for colleagues.

Finger on the Button

The administrative staff members at a university's Sponsored Research Office (SRO) are the ones who actually submit proposals on behalf of the university and individual PIs. They push the button that sends the proposal to the funding agency.

When preparing an NSF proposal using FastLane, PIs have the following options in terms of giving "access control" to their Sponsored Research Office:
  • permission to view the proposal but not submit it (yet)
  • permission to view and edit but not submit (yet)
  • permission to view, edit, and submit
Of course the most efficient option for PIs is to go straight to the third option, so that the SRO can view, then submit, the proposal as soon as the proposal is ready. This option, however, is preferred only if you have a very competent and communicative SRO staff person working with you. Fortunately, that is the majority of SRO administrators I have encountered, but there have been some notable exceptions.

The view-edit-submit option makes me uncomfortable at the early to intermediate stages of proposal preparation because:

- The proposal might look like it is complete, yet not be in a form that I want submitted to the NSF. PIs are supposed to upload a project description and project summary by a specified internal deadline, a day or 5 before the funding agency deadline, so that the SRO can check the budget, budget justification, font types, font sizes, margins etc. In some (most?) cases, however, the proposal isn't submission-ready by the time of the internal deadline. There might be a support letter missing, for example. The proposal is ready enough for viewing and checking, but not for submitting.

Flexible and nice SRO staff are willing to examine a not-quite-final version of the proposal, as long as the parts they need to see are available, then submit the proposal when everything is assembled, up to and including the day of the proposal deadline. With these particular SRO staff people, I am willing to click the view-edit-submit button at an early stage. But:

A few years ago, I had uploaded some, but not all, components of a proposal before I left for a research-related trip abroad. I had finished and uploaded the budget and other required forms, but the internal deadline was still a week away, and I planned to work more on the project description, summary, and references while traveling. This was >5 years ago, and I was traveling in a part of the world that, at the time, did not have ubiquitous internet access.

After a few days, I went to an internet cafe filled with young men playing violent computer games. In my e-mail inbox I saw something far more terrifying than the virtual explosions and shootings on the monitors around me. I saw an automatically generated e-mail confirming the submission of my proposal. The SRO had submitted my incomplete proposal to the NSF.

In fact, this should not have happened at all because the proposal was so incomplete. The internal deadline had not even passed. Why did the SRO submit the proposal? I called my university in a panic. The SRO staff member who was handling my proposal had submitted it just before leaving on vacation.

I had to withdraw the proposal and reconstruct all the documents, some of which I had foolishly not brought with me because they had been completed and approved before I left. I learned that if you withdraw a proposal, you cannot recover the files on FastLane, and so I had to build the budget all over again with the help of a heroic department accountant (now retired, alas) and co-PI.

That experience traumatized me, and although that SRO staff member did not last much longer in her job, it took me a long time to bring myself to select view-edit-submit as an early option for SRO access. Lately, I have gone back to selecting this option when I know that a particular very competent SRO staff person is handling my proposal.

Just before a recent proposal submission, I learned that this particular person would be out of town during the relevant time frame for proposal submission. I gave the SRO permission to view, but not submit the proposal.

For some reason, my proposal therefore came to the attention of the competent person's superior at the SRO; someone with a long administrative title and no doubt awesome administrative responsibilities.

He sent me a very snippy e-mail saying that because I had not given his office access to submit the proposal early enough, he was going to delay submission of my proposal. He said that, furthermore, because my proposal appeared to have a target date rather than an actual deadline, he saw no reason why I should insist on the proposal's being submitted by a certain date.

By the time he sent that e-mail, his office had access to submit my proposal, in plenty of time before the deadline; I just hadn't selected this option right way. In addition, if he had looked at the cover page and saw what type of proposal it was and/or had looked at an internal document that clarified the issue of the deadline, he would know that I wasn't just being an imperious jerk who selected a random date for a deadline and expected everyone to work according to my schedule. The NSF program director had specified an optimal date, which was now going to be missed owing to the SRO administrator's little hissy fit.

SRO guy also questioned something in my budget -- specifically, an issue related to whether I could justify the amount of student support I was requesting relative to the proposed research.

What?? How does he know how much time it takes to do a particular type of research?

The budget had already been approved by the accounting office, my department chair, and my college's dean. The budget item in question was justified in the proposal -- in the project description and budget justification. The last thing I need is an administrator wondering whether I am asking for too much money for graduate students relative to the amount of work they will be doing. That typically is not a problem.

The overall theme of SRO guy's e-mail was that because I had offended and inconvenienced his office by not giving them immediate access to submit the proposal when I first initiated proposal preparation in FastLane, he was going to punish me in various annoying little ways. He cc'd his e-mail to the dean and my chair and someone else I didn't know.

He did not cc the co-PI, but I did. The co-PI thinks my reply was perhaps even a bit too nice. I did not mention my earlier emotional trauma regarding premature submission of a proposal, but instead just dealt with his points, one by one. My purpose was to appear calm, reasonable, and polite, and to get this proposal submitted as soon as possible.

Now I have two things to worry about:

1 - If I select view-edit-submit right away, my proposal might be submitted prematurely, causing major problems and inconvenience for all concerned. I know this is unlikely to happen again, but unless I know that a trusted SRO staff member is handling my proposal, I feel anxious about it.

2 - If I select view-edit but not submit first, I might offend this snowflake administrator whose feelings are easily hurt and who then punishes me by delaying submission of my proposal and raising spurious questions about the details of the proposal.

Ideally, faculty and administrators work together to optimize proposal submissions. The process involves effort and communication on both parts. Faculty need to follow internal procedures and meet internal deadlines for submitting proposals, but if we do that, we shouldn't have to worry about the delicate feelings of the administrators who have the ultimate power to push the button and submit (or not) our proposals to the funding agencies.

Active galaxies and supermassive black hole jets

Most galaxies have a supermassive black hole in their center – sometimes even more than one. These black holes can have masses up to ten billion solar masses (1010 M) or more. One of the largest known examples is part of a binary system, and it weighs in at 1.8×1010 M – see here, here, or here. (There are exceptions, such as the nearby M33, which apparently does not have a central black hole of mass more than 3000 M.)

All black holes gravitationally attract any nearby matter, because of their high mass, which is generally ≥ 1 M even for comparatively tiny stellar mass black holes. Such matter does not necessarily fall directly into the black hole, but instead can go into orbit around the black hole. If there is enough matter close to the black hole, and if it is pulled in rapidly enough, the results can be a spectacular light show, such as one might see (if one could see simultaneously at all wavelengths from very high radio frequencies to X-rays) in the Centaurus A galaxy, about 13 million light years away:

This is a view of the whole galaxy – you can see that the central area, which contains the black hole, is unusually bright, and there are jets extending more than the radius of the galaxy itself in both directions perpendicular to the galactic plane. Centaurus A is an example of an "active galaxy", and it shows the impressive effects produced by the central black hole of such an object. (For more about Centaurus A and this image, see here, here. Another image: here.)

The innermost region of an active galaxy, which is the interesting part, is called an "active galactic nucleus" (AGN). This is a general term for a number of puzzling astronomical objects that were noticed at first on account of their unusually vigorous output of energy, but whose similarities were not immediately recognized. AGNs were eventually deduced to be (in almost all cases) just relatively ordinary galaxies with massive central black holes that appear to be responsible for liberating at least as much energy as all the stars in the remainder of the galaxy.

Although most galaxies seem to have a supermassive black hole in their center, behavior of AGNs is rather unusual, and AGNs are somewhat rare in the nearby universe, but more common at large distances – hence at an earlier time in the universe. AGN behavior requires not only a supermassive black hole, but also a substantial amount of surrounding interstellar gas that fuels their energy output. AGNs are rather profligate in using their fuel, so presumably most of the available interstellar gas close to a central black hole is consumed over a relatively short period of time (compared to the age of the universe). Consequently, in most nearby galaxies the fuel was used up long ago.

The Milky Way has a relatively small central black hole associated with the radio source named Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). The black hole has a mass of ~4×106 M. Sgr A* is not nearly luminous enough to be considered an AGN, so evidently either there is not now enough nearby interstellar gas, or perhaps the black hole is just too small to have ever attracted enough.

How luminous does a galactic nucleus need to be in order to qualify as an AGN? It's really a question of how bright the nucleus is compared to the rest of the galaxy. Messier 77, also known as NGC 1068, is the first galaxy now considered to have an AGN that came to special attention. In 1908 E. A. Fath obtained its spectrum and found it had unusually strong emission lines. (This was at a time when it was still assumed that nebulae were simply fuzzy objects inside our own galaxy.) V. N. Slipher later obtained a better spectrum and noted that the width of the lines implied high velocities – hundreds of kilometers per second. NGC 1068 is fairly nearby – 47 million light years away – and rather large, with a diameter of 170,000 light years (compared to the Milky Way's diameter of 100,000 light years). NGC 1068 is still under active study at this time – see here.

Finally in 1943 Carl Seyfert recognized that NGC 1068 was similar to a number of other galaxies that formed a distinct class, based on the nature of their spectra and because their innermost regions were as bright as the entire rest of the galaxy. This concentration of luminosity in the center was not only exceptional, but it was quite unlikely to be physically possible for a sufficient number of stars to be located in such a small volume of space. Naturally, galaxies of this sort became known as Seyfert galaxies.

Other peculiarities of Seyfert galaxies were eventually recognized as well. For example, their spectra contain broad, strong emission lines of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, and oxygen. This in turn implied that the emitting material had to be in rapid motion in order to produce Doppler broadening of the emission lines. And this in turn implied that a large amount of mass needed to be concentrated in a small volume to account for such high velocities. The characteristics of high central luminosity and broad emission lines tended to occur together enough to justify recognizing Seyfert galaxies as a distinct class, which made up about 1% of nearby spiral galaxies.

About 15 years after Seyfert galaxies were discovered, another peculiar type of astrophysical object was noticed – quasars, or, as they were sometimes known, "quasi-stellar-objects". These came first to attention as strong sources of radio emission, in early radio telescope surveys, such as the original Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources. The strong radio signal was somewhat mysterious, since electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies (up to 100 GHz at the high end) is normally emitted only by rather cold matter (under about 2 degrees above absolute zero).

Many of these sources ("radio galaxies") were eventually identified with optically visible objects, many of which had already been cataloged as unremarkable stars. But when they came under attention as radio sources and their optical spectra were obtained, their high redshift implied that they needed to have an astonishingly high intrinsic luminosity – too luminous to be explainable simply as very large galaxies containing even the brightest possible stars.

Phenomena that are seemingly impossible to explain in terms of familiar examples tend to draw a lot of attention – and this is true, in some respects, of quasars even today. A lot of the mystery is now explainable in terms of active galaxies that are powered by supermassive black holes, and we'll get more into that in a little bit. But there are also some AGN features, such as the jets that a few AGNs expel at relativistic velocities, which are still not well understood.

Although there was still controversy at the time whether redshift could be used as a reliable gauge of distance, if the conventional redshift interpretation (Hubble expansion) was assumed, then quasars would need to be (what was considered at the time, ca. 1960) extremely distant. One of the earliest-recognized quasars, 3C 273, which is the quasar with the largest apparent magnitude and is visible through amateur telescopes, has z=0.158, corresponding to an optical distance of ~2.4 billion light years. 3C 273 was therefore intrinsically far brighter than any star, about 100 times as bright as an entire spiral galaxy. 3C 273 is sometimes considered to be the nearest unambiguous quasar. So bright quasars are absent from the local universe, although there are ambiguous cases as close as ~800 million light years (z=0.06).

It's now pretty clear that all quasars are extremely luminous active galaxies, but when 3C 273 and similar objects were first discovered they were point-like objects without the visible appearance of a galaxy. After all, the rest of the galaxy of which they were a part was only 1/100 as bright as the nucleus. So the objects were referred to as "quasi-stellar objects" (QSOs), or quasars for short. (Sometimes the term QSO was reserved for the minority of such objects that did not have appreciable radio emissions, while "quasar" meant a QSO with a strong radio signal.)

It's also clear now that the distinction between Seyfert galaxies and quasars is rather arbitrary – the brightest Seyferts have characteristics much like the least bright quasars. Further, there are a small number of characteristics which may or may not be present in either class. Some of the "optional" features that may be present include X-ray emissions, narrow (optical or ultraviolet) emission lines in the spectrum, broad (optical or ultraviolet) emission lines, strong radio emissions, and evidence of relativistic jets of matter (such as seen in Centaurus A, above).

The last two of these features – radio emissions and jets – almost always are either present or absent together. Naturally, the jets are expected to account for the radio emissions, and there are very reasonable models that explain the connection. However, only about 10% of all AGNs, when Seyfert galaxies are included, have the jets and strong radio emissions, so whatever physical process is responsible for AGN behavior doesn't automatically produce relativistic jets as well.

Indeed, the actual physical process responsible for jets is not well understood, and it's one of the more mysterious phenomena in astrophysics. The research to be discussed here is a contribution towards elucidation of the mystery.

Physical models

But first, let's quickly review the physical model that now has consensus support to account for AGNs in general. The main characteristic, which was at first the most puzzling, is the enormous quantity of energy emitted in a very small volume of space. How small a volume? One indication is that the energy output can vary over periods of just a few days. Consequently, the diameter of the source must be only a few light days – about 10 times the diameter of Pluto's orbit. And yet the source may produce energy ranging from 1 to 100 times as much as an entire good-size galaxy containing hundreds of billions of stars. A little breath-taking, when you think about it.

So where does all this energy comes from? It's not thermonuclear energy that's produced by fusion the way that stars do. The material around even the largest black hole is not dense enough. That's basically because of what's known as the Eddington limit. Any time a sufficiently large mass of gas is collapsing under the force of gravity, the potential energy of the gas is converted to electromagnetic radiation. The energy released as radiation increases to the point where the outward radiation pressure equals the pressure due to gravity, stopping the collapse. This is what prevents very large stars – more than about 100 M – forming out of a large mass of gas. The same process also limits the rate at which gas can collapse around a black hole.

However, in the case of a supermassive black hole it is exactly this conversion of potential energy into radiation that supplies the enormous output of energy found in AGNs. Let's look at a simple calculation to show just how effectively a very large compact gravitating object can release energy.

Consider a supermassive black hole whose mass MBH is 109 M. Since M=1.99×1030 kg, we have MBH=1.99×1039 kg. The black hole is surrounded by an event horizon – the boundary from the inside of which neither matter nor radiation can escape. In the simple case of a non-rotating black hole the event horizon is a sphere whose radius is the Schwarzschild radius, which is rs=2GMBH/c2, where G=6.67×10-11 m3 kg-1 sec-2 is the gravitational constant and c=3×108 m/sec is the speed of light. Plugging things into the formula gives rs=2.96×1012 m. That's very close to the radius of the orbit of Uranus.

Next let's ask how fast an object or particle in orbit around a supermassive black hole might be moving. There is a very simple formula for orbital velocity: v≅(GM/r)½, where M is the mass of the central object, and r is the radius of the orbit. That's an approximation, since it makes some assumptions – the orbit is nearly circular, and the mass of the orbiting object is much less than M – reasonable for the sake of discussion. Squaring both sides and rearranging: r=GM/v2. We could plug in various values and see what we get, but suppose we want to know r in some reasonable units, such as the black hole Schwarzschild radius rs=2GMBH/c2. Then using plausible values for v, say v=c/10. That's "small" enough that relativistic effects are minor: the Lorentz factor γ=(1-(v/c)2)≅1.005. The result is that r/rs=100GMBH/2GMBH=50.

So an object or particle in orbit around a black hole at a distance of 50 rs is moving at 1/10th of the speed of light. Notice that this isn't dependent on the black hole's mass – it's true for any black hole. (It doesn't apply to objects that aren't black holes, since their Schwarzschild radius is very small, much smaller than the size of the object.) This calculation isn't necessarily realistic physically, since it neglects a number of other considerations, for example gas viscosity and turbulence. But it shows that black holes are nothing to be trifled with – they can have rather sizable physical effects.

In fact, although c/10 is not quite a relativistic velocity, it's still rather sprightly. For instance, at that rate one could get from the Sun to the Earth in an hour and 23 minutes – faster than the commute into a big city in bad traffic. It's also a velocity that gives even something as small as a proton quite a bit of kinetic energy. Let's compute it. The proton mass mp≅1.67×10-27 kg. Kinetic energy E=mv2/2 = (1.67×10-27)(3×108/10)2/2 ≅ 7.5×10-13 kg m2 sec-2 = 7.5×10-6 ergs. Since one erg is 6.2415×1011 eV (electron volts), the kinetic energy of a proton moving at 1/10th the speed of light is about 4.68×106 eV = 4.68 MeV.

That's not chicken feed – it's well within the gamma ray range (100 keV to several 10s of GeV). What this means is that in any collision between protons moving this fast, it's no sweat at all to give off gamma-ray photons, or photons of any other form of electromagnetic energy. And this is how black holes of any size, from stellar mass up to the supermassive kind, can convert a substantial fraction of the mass-energy of matter that falls in sufficiently close to electromagnetic radiation.

Given all this, the questions that occupy astrophysicists interested in supermassive black holes, AGNs, quasars, and the like include: What's the exact physical configuration in which the energy is released? What processes bring about the energy release? How do these physical details explain observable effects, such as total energy output, emission lines, relativistic jets, and so forth?

Astrophysicists have been working on these questions for at least 50 years, since the first quasars were discovers, and a consensus has emerged about many of the physical details.

The main feature that all AGNs have (at least in the standard model) is a substantial accretion disk of matter orbiting around them. In many cases that have been studied in detail, there's a lot of evidence for such disks, besides the powerful emission of electromagnetic energy at frequencies from far infrared to far ultraviolet. As the name implies, the disks are flat and relatively thin. The inner and outer radii of the disks vary from case to case, but since there are minor fluctuations of output over periods of days, the inner radius must be on the order of at most a few light-days, around 1014 m, or 1000 times the size of the Earth's orbit.

Detailed analysis of the physics indicates that the innermost part of the disk should be the hottest, with the temperature gradually tapering off toward the outside. Since the emission is thermal ("black body"), the relation between temperature and wavelength is given by Wien's law: T=b/λmax, where b≅2.9×10-3 m-K. λmax is the wavelength at which intensity per unit wavelength is maximized. Thus peak temperatures may range from 300,000 K when λmax=10-8 m (ultraviolet) down to 300K when λmax=10-5 m (infrared) – possibly even more at the high end. Higher energies and temperatures actually occur with stellar mass black holes instead of the much larger supermassive ones, because the maximum rate at which matter can accrete (the Eddington limit) is higher for smaller black holes.

As explained above, the energy to heat disk material to such temperatures comes ultimately from gravitational potential energy as matter falls inward and gains kinetic energy, which manifests as heat and ultimately electromagnetic radiation. The efficiency of this conversion of matter into EM energy can actually reach about 10%, which is a lot higher than nuclear fusion, for which the efficiency is only about 0.7%.

The net result is that a certain fraction of matter (mostly diffuse hydrogen and helium gas) in the vicinity of a black hole is converted to electromagnetic energy. This process can go on for a long time (perhaps hundreds of millions of years) until the matter is mostly used up or falls into the black hole itself. Calculations have verified that this process is entirely adequate to account for the observed luminosity of AGNs.

Eventually there is not enough matter sufficiently close to the black hole to be sucked in, and the process stops. This is why most quasars are observed only at great distances – more than a billion light years – because they no longer have the means to sustain the extremely high luminosity. It could be that all or most galaxies go through a quasar/Seyfert/AGN phase. One can even make a rough estimate of how long this phase lasts. Only about 1% of galaxies are Seyfert/AGN, so any given galaxy ought to be in that phase for only about 1% of the age of the universe, i. e. perhaps 130 million years.

As noted above, there are various prominent characteristics that may or may not accompany the high luminosity of an AGN, including broad and narrow emission lines in the spectrum, strong radio emissions, and relativistic jets.

The broad emission lines are thought to originate in clouds of colder gas (under ~100 K) orbiting outside the accretion disk. Although such clouds emit little EM energy, they consist of atomic hydrogen, helium, and traces of heavier elements. Intense radiation coming from the disk will put these atoms in an energetically excited state. But when electrons drop back from higher energy levels, spectral lines at frequencies characteristic of each atomic species are emitted. Because the clouds are in rapid motion, the emission lines are broadened due to varying amounts of Doppler shifting of the spectral lines.

One would expect that such clouds should be present around all supermassive black holes. However, there are many AGNs, both quasars and Seyfert galaxies, in which broad emission lines are not observed. Seyferts were originally placed into one of two classes, according as broad lines were either present or absent. But now intermediate cases are known with only weaker broad lines, so intermediate types are recognized according to the prominence of broad line features.

The thinking now is that there is no actual difference between AGNs with and without broad lines. Instead, the full or partial absence of broad emission lines is ascribed to the degree by which the broad-line clouds are hidden within a thicker torus-shaped ring of even colder gas and dust that surrounds both the accretion disk and the inner clouds. Because of the thick toroidal shape, if our line of sight to the object is mostly face-on, the inner disk and the clouds will be visible. But if we see the object mostly edge-on, those features will be partially or fully hidden.

Narrow emission lines are seen in the spectra of most AGNs. The fact that the lines are narrower indicates that the gas they come from is not moving as rapidly as the gas responsible for broad lines. The type of lines and other evidence indicates that the source of the narrow line emissions is a large but diffuse corona of very hot, ionized gas, which can extend for many light years, surrounding all other parts of the AGN. In AGN that are close enough, the corona is large enough that its actual size can be measured directly. Much of the emissions from the corona is at far ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths, showing that temperatures in the corona must be quite high.

Approximately 10% of AGNs, both Seyfert galaxies and quasars, are "radio loud" – that is, a source of strong radio frequency emissions. In fact, it was strong radio emissions from the first quasars to be recognized that sharply distinguished them from the normal stars they appeared to be at visible wavelengths. Now that many quasars can be recognized by the high redshift of their spectra – indicating very distant and hence very luminous sources – it turns out that only about 10% of quasars are radio loud.

Long baseline radio interferometry makes it possible to "see" the source of the radio emissions in some detail. The source is not spherically symmetrical, but instead takes the form of very long, narrow "jets", as seen in Centaurus A. Such jets can be hundreds of thousands of light years long. The evidence is that these jets consist of plasmas in which electrons near the central black hole can have relativistic velocities – with Lorentz factors of 104 or more. Electromagnetic emissions from jets often run all the way from radio up to X-rays.

The only plausible physical model for the jets requires very strong magnetic fields. These fields collimate the matter into narrow jets – which emanate in opposite directions from the central black hole – and accelerate the plasma's charged particles to extreme velocities. Relativistic electrons moving in a helical pattern around the jet axes are responsible for the radio emissions via synchrotron radiation.

Many of the details presented so far are based largely on theoretical models, even though astronomers have known of AGNs for over 50 years. Observational studies of active galaxies – quasars in particular – are difficult, since most of the objects are quite distant, and much of the action occurs in a volume of only ~100 cubic light years – impossible to resolve with existing technology. But observational evidence for some of the details is slowly accumulating. The research we're now ready to discuss is an example.

The Hard X-Ray View of Reflection, Absorption, and the Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio-Loud AGN 3C 33

We present results from Suzaku and Swift observations of the nearby radio galaxy 3C 33, and investigate the nature of absorption, reflection, and jet production in this source. We model the 0.5-100 keV nuclear continuum with a power law that is transmitted either through one or more layers of pc-scale neutral material, or through a modestly ionized pc-scale obscurer. The standard signatures of reflection from a neutral accretion disk are absent in 3C 33: there is no evidence of a relativistically blurred Fe Kα emission line, and no Compton reflection hump above 10 keV. We find the upper limit to the neutral reflection fraction is R < 0.41 for an e-folding energy of 1 GeV. We observe a narrow, neutral Fe Kα line, which is likely to originate at least 2000 Rs from the black hole. We show that the weakness of reflection features in 3C 33 is consistent with two interpretations: either the inner accretion flow is highly ionized, or the black-hole spin configuration is retrograde with respect to the accreting material.

3C 33 (which means it is object number 33 in the Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources) has a redshift z=0.0597, which equates to a distance of about 800 million light years. 3C 33 is one of the brightest narrow-line radio galaxies (NLRGs). An NLRG is a radio-loud AGN in which the spectrum contains narrow width emission lines but there is little or no evidence of broadened spectral lines.

At visible and infrared wavelengths 3C 33 is nothing special to look at, but radio images show structures typical of radio galaxies, with pronounced lobes on both sides of the central object. (See here and here for images at various wavelengths.)

For an explanation of why 3C 33 is an interesting object of study, we need to go into a little more detail about what makes up the "hard" X-ray part of the spectrum of an AGN. This involves photons having energies from 1 keV to 120 keV.

The temperature of the plasma that makes up the corona is much higher than the temperature of the gas in the accretion disk, which is mostly un-ionized. Even the hottest parts of the accretion disk have their intensity peaks in the ultraviolet, with wavelengths of at most 10 nm, which implies temperatures of about 300,000 K by Wien's law. Hard X-rays with 12 keV photons are two orders of magnitude smaller in wavelength, implying temperatures around 30 million K. Quite a difference. So it's not unreasonable to regard the gas in the accretion disk as "cold" – compared to the gas of the corona.

It's somewhat messy to describe what happens with very energetic radiation from the corona interacting with the less energetic radiation from the hottest (innermost) parts of the accretion disk. However, various simulation studies have investigated models where a hard X-ray spectrum is "reflected" from an opaque slab of relatively "cold" gas that mostly emits in the ultraviolet. High-energy photons can reflect off of lower energy electrons in the process of Compton scattering. The high-energy photons lose some of their energy in the process, while the lower-energy particles gain energy. The reverse can also happen: low-energy photons from the accretion disk can scatter off higher energy electrons and photons in the corona. In this process (inverse Compton scattering) the lower-energy photons gain energy.

The starting assumption is that the X-ray spectrum of the corona is approximated by a power law in which the distribution of number of photons of given energy is a power -α (with α>0) of the energy, i. e. N(E) ∝ E. Models with typical assumptions about the configuration of the accretion disk suggest that there should be a slight enhancement of number of photons at energies above 10 keV in the corona X-ray spectrum. This enhancement is referred to as the "Compton reflection bump".

The observational evidence is that this Compton bump is usually found in the X-ray spectra of radio-quiet AGNs. But radio-loud AGNs tend not to have this feature in the X-ray spectra, or have it only weakly. This suggests that there may be something different about the accretion disks of radio-loud AGNs – that is, AGN that also have a jet structure responsible for their radio emissions.

There is one other common feature in AGN X-ray spectra – an emission line from fluorescing iron (Fe) atoms around 6.4 keV. This is called the Fe Kα line. It is normally observed to be relativistically broadened, indicating that it arises from accretion disk reflection. Again, the Fe Kα line is commonly found in radio-quiet AGNs and not in radio-loud AGNs. This is a further indication of something different about the accretion disks of radio-loud AGNs.

3C 33 is a radio-loud AGN, so it's a good candidate for closer investigation. However, there's an additional complication in all this in the radio-loud case. The jets radiate over the full EM spectrum, not just at radio frequencies. In particular, there's an X-ray component to the spectrum, and it's especially strong at the base of the jets. If this part of the jets adds its contribution to the X-ray spectrum the shape of the spectrum will be changed so that the Compton bump (if any) is harder to distinguish.

As it happens, most of the radio galaxies previously studied have been of the broad line sort. Recall that this means we are seeing the galaxy more or less along the axis of the jet, so that the base of the jet and the surrounding accretion disk are not obscured by the outer torus of cold gas and dust. 3C 33, however, is a narrow line radio galaxy (NLRG). That means that the common axis of the jets and the accretion disk is at a large angle (more than ~60°) to our line of sight. Consequently we can't see the accretion disk or the base of the jets directly, due to the obscuring dust, and so broad emission lines aren't visible.

That's actually good, because it means unobscured X-ray emissions from the jets are relatively minor and would not make it difficult to detect a Compton bump and Fe Kα lines – if they were present. If there were a Compton bump, it would be due to photons reflected from the accretion disk and scattered to higher energies in the corona. Since the corona may be hundreds of light years in radius, it is not obscured.

Nevertheless, what this research has shown is that a Compton bump and significant Fe Kα fluorescence are not present in 3C 33. Therefore there's probably something different from the norm of AGNs about the accretion disk of 3C 33. And the most natural assumption is that difference is related to the jets.

What could the difference be? Another research team that has considered the issue of lack of Compton bump in radio-loud AGNs hypothesized that the hottest inner part of the accretion disk could be partially ionized. Therefore it would be semitransparent and not reflect photons strongly. Calculations showed that this was a viable hypothesis.

The team responsible for the present research has a different hypothesis: the strong magnetic fields that create the jets also force the inner part of the accretion disk farther away from the black hole – provided that the black hole itself is spinning in the opposite direction ("retrograde") from the accretion disk. So the research team suggests that the lack of Compton bump is possible evidence for opposing spins of black hole and accretion disk.

Even without effects due to the magnetic field, a retrograde spin of the black hole would cause the radius of the smallest stable circular orbit outside the black hole to be larger than in the prograde case. In other words, the material that would otherwise orbit closer to the black hole isn't there since it has to fall into the black hole. Since magnetic field lines cannot be anchored in a black hole, they must be attached to the accretion disk, and thus assume a different shape than they would if disk and black hole were spinning in the same direction.

At this point, there is no direct evidence for retrograde spin. The competing hypothesis of a semitransparent inner accretion disk isn't ruled out. Further study will be required to distinguish between the two hypotheses.
Evans, D., Reeves, J., Hardcastle, M., Kraft, R., Lee, J., & Virani, S. (2010). THE HARD X-RAY VIEW OF REFLECTION, ABSORPTION, AND THE DISK-JET CONNECTION IN THE RADIO-LOUD AGN 3C 33 The Astrophysical Journal, 710 (1), 859-868 DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/710/1/859

Further reading:

Black hole spin may create jets that control galaxy (2/11/10)

Backward Black Holes Control Fate of Galaxies (2/12/10)

The Hard X-Ray View of Reflection, Absorption, and the Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio-Loud AGN 3C 33 – arXiv copy of research paper

Related articles:

Winds of Change: How Black Holes May Shape Galaxies (4/19/10)

Galactic black holes may be more massive than thought (6/8/09)

Black hole outflows from Centaurus A (2/6/09)

Evidence that quasars are powered by black holes (10/21/06)

The wind from a black hole (7/8/06)

Other resources

Black Hole Models for Active Galactic Nuclei – excellent technical introduction by Martin Rees

3CRR Atlas Home Page

NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Databse: NED

Travelog San Francisco: Protecting the Coastal Bay

When I was in San Francisco I did the tourist-y things.  I took the double-decker bus to Fisherman's Wharf, China Town, and the Golden Gate Bridge. I love the Bay.  I can see why people bit the bullet and pay the huge costs of living to call The Bay home.  I certainly would.

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As I was walking along the boardwalk, I came across this interpretive display.

It seems the gentleman mentioned at the bottom of the sign is responsible for Protecting the Bay, Mr. David Hayes - Project Manager.

Sometimes recognizing diversity in natural resource careers isn't so conspicuous, but it's always a great thing to discover...and share.