
Wordless Wednesday: Wild Flowers

I’ve taken a job as a summer nature camp counselor. I know perfect. We take kids from the Boys & Girls Club on nature hikes in urban parks and suburban nature centers, plus introduce them to outdoor activities like fishing and archery. I’m learning as much as they are…and I have a host of pictures (with the names of things) to prove it. I’ll be posting pictures and accounts of my adventures throughout the summer.
Butterfly milkweed - a prairie wildflower plant. It is found in prairies and sunny grasslands. Caterpillars love this plant, hence the name.

A type of Polygynum grass, I call it Mormon Grass (because the latin name means many wives). It is a shade tolerant grass.
Daisy - a prairie plant wildflower.

Echinacea, also called purple coneflower - a prairie plant wildflower.
Both purple coneflowers and daisies are found in grasslands and fields. They are members of the Asteridea or Star flower arrangement flamily.

America lotus - a water plant. This is the flower of the 'water lily pads'.

These photos were taken of naturally occuring wild flowers growing in local city parks and nature areas in St. Louis, Missouri.