
Call for Submissions for the Diversity in Science Carnival - STEM Diversity Initiatives: What Works and Why?


I am back from my hiatus. I was busy getting better and now I'm back to a hundred percent. Plus, I've just returned from Washington, D.C. and the 59th American Institute of Biological Science Meeting. It was awesome and I will tell you all about it and the great people I met. But first, the next installation of the Diversity in Science Carnival must be announced!

I have extended the deadline for submitting super fabulous posts about STEM Diversity Initiatives. Taking a bit of a break from the profiling theme, I would like to engage bloggers and readers to think about the variety, quality, and effectiveness of past, present and future STEM Diversity Initiatives. Share posts about programs, personal accounts, or stories of how people or institutions promote/deal with diversity issues and inclusion in STEM. I'll be sharing my personal stories. However, this is a perfect opportunity for administrators and program chairs to weigh in on these programs and how they must juggle both institutional and real-life demands of feeding the pipeline. Oh, and if you're such a person with something to say, but no blogging/website platform, let me know. You can submit a guest post to my page.

Deadline to submit is Wednesday, May 27th, and I'll post the Carnival Friday, May 29th.
Submit your post by visiting this link.

And get ready for the June edition of the carnival - celebrating LGBT Month over at The Oyster's Garter!