Remember when I was saying that undergraduate research is a good thing? Well, fresh off of the Ecological Society of America ECOLOG presses, here is a FABULOUS opportunity.
Summer Research Program in the Arkansas Ozarks Assessment and Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services
The University of Arkansas is conducting a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)this coming summer of (2009). The program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and will host up to 15 undergraduates students who have completed at least 3 semesters of coursework. The focus of this REU is on field-based research on ecological services, and each student will work with a faculty mentor on issues ranging from water quality to ecology of birds and black bears in the Ozarks. Doesn't this sound like a blast?
The program works primarily with federally recognized Native American tribes and Native American students. However, all other interested students are encouraged to apply. This means you.
It is a 10-week program, which includes a one-week emersion course on field methods, 8 weeks of intensive Research Experience and a one week Data Analysis and Symposia. Expect to spend alot of time outside working hard, thinking hard and learning new things. You'll also prepare a presentation to present to others at the end. If it's really great, you should consider presenting it at a professional science conference the following year.
Room and board are included at the University of Arkansas, as well as a $400 weekly stipend and a travel allowance.
Program Dates: 1 June to 7 August 2009
Stipend $4000, onsite room and board, round-trip travel costs
Detailed Program Information is available at
Application deadline is approaching - February 15, 2009
Start now and secure recommendation letters and transcripts.
For applications and more information, contact:
Heather Sandefur
207 Engineering
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
ofc #: 479.575.7585
email: hsandef[at]
Questions about this program can also be directed to
Dr. Marty Matlock - mmatlock[at], or Dr. Kimberly Smith - kgsmith[at]
Good luck!