This has been an exciting time! Very exciting. I have several updates.
1. My ranking in the Nature Blog Network has peaked. I'm in the top 100, my best ranking so far - #87 out of 500+ Fabulous nature blogs. Thanks for visiting and leaving comments.
2. Wordless Wednesday seems to be my most successful series of posts. I;ll continue to share my photographs of nature and environmental science.
3. My Urban Wildlife Watch Watch Series has more entries. The one about Osage Orange Trees has been very popular, but the one about Winged Ants is still one of my most popular posts ever. I plan to do more of these and submit them to carnivals. I've previously submitted two posts to Oekologie Carnival this summer and I keep thinking about submitting something to the Carnival of the Green. Recently, I submitted something to the Festival of the Trees, oh and I'll be posting more about trees for the weeks to come. I haven't become a botanist or arborist, but trees are always there. I can always catch a great photo shot of a tree. Besides, trees are so dynamic, and now with many turning and losing leaves for autumn it's like a whole new thing to photograph and share.
4. The Blogging Scholarship Competition is heating up, but I'm still way behind. You can still help me. Email everyone about the competition and ask them to vote for me - Danielle Lee. Cross-post are very nice. Shouts to all of the support and cross-posts.
The Oyster's Garter
Women in Science
Black Web 2.0
Young Black Professional Guide (I wrote this one, just to be transparent)
I've also been invited to talk about the Blogging Scholarship and some of my other bogging ativities on Mario Armstrong's Digital Spin Radio Show on WEAA - 88.9 FM, Baltimore’s NPR and Jazz Radio Station. You can listen live on the internet Wednesday, November 19th, 7p-8p Eastern Standard Time. So please tune in...and vote!
5. My other Blogging Activities...
a. Co-moderating a workshop at the 3rd Annual ScienceOnline Conference, January 16-18, in Research Triangle, NC. I was also mentioned on AAAS Science Careers Blog. I'll be co-moderating the session on Race and Science: Online and Offline with Samia Ansari. Even if you can't attend the conference you can still participate in the discussion. Visit the Conference Program and wiki and share your concerns about diversity in the sciences and proposals to increase participation. These topics will be discussed and vetted at the conference and a final report will be posted online.
b. I submitted a video of a dance interpretation of my dissertation to the AAAS 2009 Dance Your Ph.D. Contest. I'm the first video on the official contest page, how crazy, but 1st place is attending the AAAS meeting in Chicago, guest of honor, 2 nights hotel accomodation, and seeing my dance performed by professional dancers. Aaah when arts and sciences come together. Results will be announced this Thursday (same day the Blogging Scholarship ends) Two questions: 1) can I list this video as a peer-reviewed publication on my CV? it is, kinda; and 2) can I just show this video for my public oral dissertation defense? I doubt anyone would fall asleep during this presentation.
DNLee - Taking Science Outreach Waaay Out There.
1. My ranking in the Nature Blog Network has peaked. I'm in the top 100, my best ranking so far - #87 out of 500+ Fabulous nature blogs. Thanks for visiting and leaving comments.
2. Wordless Wednesday seems to be my most successful series of posts. I;ll continue to share my photographs of nature and environmental science.
3. My Urban Wildlife Watch Watch Series has more entries. The one about Osage Orange Trees has been very popular, but the one about Winged Ants is still one of my most popular posts ever. I plan to do more of these and submit them to carnivals. I've previously submitted two posts to Oekologie Carnival this summer and I keep thinking about submitting something to the Carnival of the Green. Recently, I submitted something to the Festival of the Trees, oh and I'll be posting more about trees for the weeks to come. I haven't become a botanist or arborist, but trees are always there. I can always catch a great photo shot of a tree. Besides, trees are so dynamic, and now with many turning and losing leaves for autumn it's like a whole new thing to photograph and share.
4. The Blogging Scholarship Competition is heating up, but I'm still way behind. You can still help me. Email everyone about the competition and ask them to vote for me - Danielle Lee. Cross-post are very nice. Shouts to all of the support and cross-posts.
The Oyster's Garter
Women in Science
Black Web 2.0
Young Black Professional Guide (I wrote this one, just to be transparent)
I've also been invited to talk about the Blogging Scholarship and some of my other bogging ativities on Mario Armstrong's Digital Spin Radio Show on WEAA - 88.9 FM, Baltimore’s NPR and Jazz Radio Station. You can listen live on the internet Wednesday, November 19th, 7p-8p Eastern Standard Time. So please tune in...and vote!
5. My other Blogging Activities...
a. Co-moderating a workshop at the 3rd Annual ScienceOnline Conference, January 16-18, in Research Triangle, NC. I was also mentioned on AAAS Science Careers Blog. I'll be co-moderating the session on Race and Science: Online and Offline with Samia Ansari. Even if you can't attend the conference you can still participate in the discussion. Visit the Conference Program and wiki and share your concerns about diversity in the sciences and proposals to increase participation. These topics will be discussed and vetted at the conference and a final report will be posted online.
b. I submitted a video of a dance interpretation of my dissertation to the AAAS 2009 Dance Your Ph.D. Contest. I'm the first video on the official contest page, how crazy, but 1st place is attending the AAAS meeting in Chicago, guest of honor, 2 nights hotel accomodation, and seeing my dance performed by professional dancers. Aaah when arts and sciences come together. Results will be announced this Thursday (same day the Blogging Scholarship ends) Two questions: 1) can I list this video as a peer-reviewed publication on my CV? it is, kinda; and 2) can I just show this video for my public oral dissertation defense? I doubt anyone would fall asleep during this presentation.
DNLee - Taking Science Outreach Waaay Out There.