September 24th is International Polar Day
I posted about International Polar Year several times. 2007-2008 were designated as International Polar Years. It is a huge, multi-national research and educational awareness effort to bring attention to the importance of and the decline of precious Polar Ecosystems.
September 27th is National Public Lands Day
This is a day to foster awareness and appreciation of publicly owned natural spaces. It is also a grand-scale Service project. Volunteers are asked to help preserve and sometimes re-store these areas for future enjoyment by the public.
This is a day to foster awareness and appreciation of publicly owned natural spaces. It is also a grand-scale Service project. Volunteers are asked to help preserve and sometimes re-store these areas for future enjoyment by the public.
If you were unaware of these two special projects, this is a perfect time to learn more about them. And I love thematic teaching and learning – that’s why I like blogging about special days or call to actions. It’s a perfect way to connect people (and students) to current and relevant events and teach basic ecological concepts.
I’ll be posting special blog submissions for these days. So please participate!
You can :
1) Check out my posts and do some of your research into these projects
2) Join me in blogging about these topics on these days to help raise awareness
3) Tell me about how you celebrated these special days
You can :
1) Check out my posts and do some of your research into these projects
2) Join me in blogging about these topics on these days to help raise awareness
3) Tell me about how you celebrated these special days