
Recycling for Cash - Earning Money this Summer

Recycling aluminum cans is a great way for kids to make money in the summer time. So many people are enjoying cold beverages so this is perfect time to collect heaps of cans. Ask your neighbors and family members if you can have their cans. Visit local parks and collect discarded cans. You’ll score heaps of can following BBQ and other get-togethers.

Collecting aluminum cans is a good deed all around – for the environment and for you. You’re helping to clean up your neighborhood and parks. You can log a number community service hours for school and/or clubs. And you can earn a lot of money. Plus, it looks great on college applications. This is a perfect way for younger kids to make money this summer. In fact, I did it myself when I was nine years old. It felt great earning my own money!

The amount of money you earn depends on the weight of cans and the price varies. The more you bring in at a time the more you earn per pound. One web site lists offer prices up to .55 cents per pound for recycled aluminum cans.

Here’s what to do:
1. Let your family know you would like to collect cans this summer for money. Ask your parents for permission to store cans some place out of the way.
2. As you collect cans empty them of all liquids and rinse them out first if you can. This makes for a cleaner collection site and fewer ants and flies hovering around.
3. Crush the cans. This helps you get a higher volume of cans in your bag. Plus it gives you a more accurate idea of how heavy your bag of aluminum cans is.
4. When poking in the trash, be careful. Wear gloves or get a grabber.
5. Ask friends, neighbors, and family members to set aluminum cans to the side for you. Arrange for a time to pick them up.
6. Visit public areas during and after major events. You’re sure to collect lots of cans then.
7. Finally, recycling the whole can. The pull tabs have no special extra value; that’s an urban legend. So don’t bother pulling them off and collecting them separately. The recycler treats it all the same.

And depending on where you live, you may be able to collect other recyclables for money, such as glass and other metal containers.