Partly fueled by vanity, and also my interest and dedication to share science with people of color (ok, that still vanity, cut me slack), I have submitted this site to Villager's Black Blog Ranking (BBR). Urban Science Adventures! (c)wasn't included on the February Ranking list, but I asked Villager what the site's ranking was and they replied back -- #609 out of 761. Hey, that's great news.
I thank YBPGuide for listing this site on the Jan 13 posting about Great Black Blogs and also being included on the lineup. I am truly honored and grateful. Thanks.
I was also checking out other ranking systems like the Black Weblog Awards. They have a Best Science/Technology category. Yeah!! Okay, I'm gonna be picky. Can we see about splitting these categories into 2? Just scanning the BBR and I'm sure there are at least a dozen and a half technology weblogs alone. They deserve their own category. And it looks like science (alone) is burgeoning). It's a great way to showcase Black Blogging talent and intellectual diversity... But honestly, I am glad, very glad there is a category that recognizes science and tech.
I thank YBPGuide for listing this site on the Jan 13 posting about Great Black Blogs and also being included on the lineup. I am truly honored and grateful. Thanks.
I was also checking out other ranking systems like the Black Weblog Awards. They have a Best Science/Technology category. Yeah!! Okay, I'm gonna be picky. Can we see about splitting these categories into 2? Just scanning the BBR and I'm sure there are at least a dozen and a half technology weblogs alone. They deserve their own category. And it looks like science (alone) is burgeoning). It's a great way to showcase Black Blogging talent and intellectual diversity... But honestly, I am glad, very glad there is a category that recognizes science and tech.
Another site is Black Web Awards. I first learned about this ranking site because a distant relative had our family's family reunion site nominated for an award. So I checked to see if there were appropriae categories for sites like this one. I didn't see any categories related to best science site or best education site, heck I didn't see anything about technology or gadgets, either.
There is a Blogging While Brown Conference this summer. Any chance these issues can get hashed out then?
There is a Blogging While Brown Conference this summer. Any chance these issues can get hashed out then?